


3 years, 5 months ago







4' 11"










Glass Artisan (Asst)

Voice Claim




Calvrin inquisitive * adaptable * kind

“It is necessary to look at the results of observation objectively, because you, the experimenter, might like one result better than another.” – Richard. P. Feynman

“I reserve the right to love many different people at once, and to change my prince often.” - Anaïs Nin


Calvrin is a sensitive, and somewhat shy, anthurianum.

He grew up in Portland, ME, and while he avoided being a target for bullies most of the time, he also never fit in with the popular crowds, and when he thought about it towards the end of high school, he realized he was happy that way.

Calvrin is an MBTI ISTP.  He loves thinking, taking what he knows and playing what-if.  He is very flexible and adaptable to changes in situations.  He loves to tinker, with with his hands in with ideas.

Calvrin likes food, not so much from a perspective of just wanting to eat, but rather he enjoys appreciating different food's and drink's combinations of flavors and textures.  He loves light and color, and solitude in nature.

He dislikes being put under pressure, deadlines, and being constrained to follow a procedure when he can envision a better way.  He also dislikes getting his fur messy / more than incidentally dirty, inflexible people, and hurting others (as well as others who purposefully do so).

Calvrin has loved art for as long as he can remember liking anything.  He was often the teacher's pet in art classes, and his parents encouraged his creativity enthusiastically.

Through through his teens he gradually fell in love with the way glass captured and recast light, and how it was like water frozen in time.

He graduated high school a year yearly in 2013, and graduated in autumn of 2016 with a Bachler of Arts degree in Studio Arts from Dartmouth.  In Spring 2019 he graduated with a MALS degree (Masters of Art and Liberal Studies) in General Liberal Studies from Dartmouth, focusing on the modern history of glass and ceramics and their application in the arts.

He moved to Kearsarge, NH in the spring of 2015 to gain in-state tuition, which helped him just stretch his scholarships to cover nearly all of his school expenses.

During his masters work he met Mihira, a rising master artisan in glass work apprenticing under Siryawë in Milan (NH).  They met to discuss her work, specifically her experimental techniques he had seen at a local exhibition, as well as her experiences as an apprentice under Siryawë.  Their meeting went well, and sparked a friendship, both professional and personal, that led to her following his work, and upon his graduation offering him a position as her assistant / apprentice in her newly opened studio in North Conway.  He readily accepted.

Over the subsequent year and a half their friendship has evolved to become very close good friends, and and are on the cusp of becoming more than just friends, with mainly the potential conflicts that come with assistant/boss and lovers holding things back at present, and maybe being just a tic too alike.

Calvrin is also in a relationship with Azraelle, now a bartender in Jackson.  They met in the summer of 2014 as Azraelle's family was vacationing in Portland, and she happened to be enjoying the breaking surf at Two Lights State Park at the same time Calvrin has gone there for some quiet nature time.  It took a little bit for Calvrin to move past his initial plan and get the courage to say hi.

Azraelle and Calvrin ended up really clicking and as they headed their separate ways they exchanged numbers.  Over the following year they became very close friends over chat, and 2015 - 2016 and beyond traveled to see each other whenever possible.  Azraelle is now a semi regular guest in Calvrin's home, and they have began to discuss marriage more seriously.

Calvrin has been open and honest with Azraelle and Mihira about his feeling toward both, and Azraelle and Mihira have recently met and, (pleasantly) surprising to Calvrin, struck up a decent friendship of their own.  The relationship between these three is currently evolving.  Mainly, he and Mihira still need to work out if they are willing to risk exploring a more intimate relationship together, and what they will do if the relationship does not work out.

Calvrin loves physical touch, both sexual and nonsexual.  He loves cuddling and exploring his own body, and the bodies of his lovers.

His current relationships are his firsts, never dating earlier in high school, mainly out of fear, seeing himself as awkward ( embarrassingly so), something Azraelle helped him overcome.

Sexually Calvrin is pansxual, with a bias toward androgynous/elven/feminine men and women.  He is weakly dom and very experimental.  He has a particular love of paws and bellies.