Remo (?) (Train info)



-The train is infinite

-Only appears for:

              -Lost souls

              -Souls who are tormented or who have unresolved issues in life

              -Rarely, very rarely, beings that are still alive can appear, it usually happens because of specific triggers

-The souls that "fall" are used by Shinki to create or feed his chaos creatures

-Souls can rarely get off the train if their willpower is enough to deal with their affairs and fears before they fall

-Only the conductor can control which wagon he goes in, so whenever he has the opportunity he tries to help souls, but because of rumors most stay as far away from him as possible

-The first wagons where the souls are when they arrive look like normal wagons, being calm and silent with the exception of some rare conversations between the still conscious souls. If the soul keeps moving forward, the wagons at its frenzy will mold into trials based on its mind.

-If willpower is not enough, the longer they stay on the train the more they will start to forget their memories and even lost their own identity, usually starting with their name, when this happens they "fall"

-The Fallen are shadowy creatures that roam between the wagons completely without direction or thoughts, they may or may not attack other souls, but it varies from each one

-The train and the conductor are linked, that is, if the conductor is not well the train will start to reflect it