Antemi's Comments

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Yup! My all-time fave, too! Fine put it up for resale like a month or few months later I think? I jumped on it like a starving hawk, I love them so much~ q wq <3333 Also idk why I forgot to put all my Purrailles on here for so long? I stare at them like every friggin day, especially this one and Imol. @ w@;

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Eeee, I'm so glad you like them a lot too wahhhh~ You're welcome, I'm glad I was able to find your art all those years ago, everything you draw is gold, and you're such a super sweet person to boot~ q wq <3333

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Aldskjgdsgjkls I'm so happy you think so, I haven't been doing so well, and tbh just had a falling out with a friend over them not finding me useful anymore, so it really cheered me up to chat with you and to hear you say this about me, I haven't been feeling too great about myself lately~ Ahhh sorry if that's tmi at all for you, but idk how to simplify it anymore and still get this across... @ w@;; Anyways, hopefully I'll be able to afford another one before you make more so I can get another cutie to add to my precious army~! > u< <3333

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