TBN's Comments

https://toyhou.se/3439419.purrsnickity-purrsimmon https://toyhou.se/8769519.violent https://toyhou.se/7922208.-beatrix https://toyhou.se/9212691.sugar https://toyhou.se/10343630.tbn any of these? :0 i can do multiples! I also have a lot of pop cs that i'm no longer apart of that you can look at, and my mlp folder!

I really like Violent and Sugar! 

Can I see pop cs and I will check out the MLP folder! 

I'd be down to trade em both if you'd like? unless you see something you'd like more

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I just got into your MLP folder and I have so many I like xD 

I love Jewels the most, Spiral pattern second, and Hyper Hawstorm third. Idk if those are even available for trade but I LOVE them!

I'd be willing to give up Spiral! 

I would like spiral! also I can't see Beatrix's picture, but I'm intrigued! 

6 Replies

Is there anyone in my toyhouse?

I really like this character but that's about it! https://toyhou.se/12932394.skully-stoner

Ack they got sold !! I’m sorry !! 

That's ok! The only other one I see I like is in the off limits folders! Sorry : C 

Ah who ? I might be able to do em !!