Meta the Morph Dragon



3 years, 5 months ago


"Aaaaawhh, is something the matter, small guy?Scared of ol' Meta? Don't be such a big baby, I won't pick on you just yet~!"

Meta is a morph dragon that specializes in mind magic. She possesses the ability to turn into any dragon she sees and use their abilities, granted she knows them. Howeved, in each transformation her eyes will remain red, with few exceptions. She's a sassy, rude bully who loves to play tricks on others with her morphing ability and pick on people, both verbally and physically, sometimes being ruthless about it. However, she actually makes for a great friend who will be with you through thick and thin... If you don't mind her teasing you all the time. If anyone ever touches her friends, she will lose it.

Likes: Rough housing, tight hugs, causing mischief, defending her friends and treating them well, looking pretty, going rough on those who really deserve it, picking up smaller people, battlingĀ 

Dislikes: Anyone who harms a friend (at least without her consent depending on scenario), smart alecks

(Species and design by my good friend Tetrispriter)