Starlight Soar



3 years, 4 months ago


Princess Starlight

Serious • private • hard-working

Starlight Soar
Night Guard
Twilight Sparkle & Flash Sentry

 "I worked to get where I am."

The eldest daughter of the Princess of Friendship. Starlight was born with all the love and admiraion of her parents and subjects of Equestria, however she was born a pegusus- of course there is nothing wrong with that, it was only when Twilight's second was born an alicorn she truely felt the shift of everypony around her, especially her mothers. Suddenly the spotlight was cast on THE new alicorn born princess.

Starlight focused more on flying, watching the Wonderbolts in her sparetime and trying tricks herself. She loved nothing more than hanging out with her uncle, Shining Armour, and her father when they let her.

Despite being the decent of The Princess of Friendship, she doesn't exactly 'do' friends.



Starlight is calm and collected. She's usually quite serious about doing what she has to but she doesn't mind letting go a little if its around the right ponies.

Due to being a princess and a lady, Starlight faced continuous doubt and underestimation from those around her, paritulaly her fellow workmates. Nevertheless, she used her opposers as a means to increase her determination and became progressively more insistent on reaching her goals than ever before with each naysayer; she believed in the importance of always trying and making an effort to reach your goals, no matter what.

She's often quite distant with others. She works for everything, even if she is a princess, quite stubbon when she needs help from other ponies.

Months of training left her more tactical, judicious and with an impressive amount of physical prowess than before. During times of chaos, she can quickly take charge of a situation by concocting an efficient plan on the spot, being daring enough to take dangerous chances, in order to potentially end the day victorious. More often than not, Starlight comes out successful as a result of this.




  • She enjoys a calm flight during the night to get her mind off things.
  • Sleeps late, a night owl like her mum
  • Likes to hum and sing to herself when shes alone
  • Likes to collect momentoes of the places she visits



Twilight Sparkle  [ Mother ]

Her mother and Starlight are nothing alike, while her mother makes time for all her children, Starlight just doesn't have any magical abilities and never found herself bonding with Twilight like her other siblings.


Flash Sentry  [ Father ]

The pony she's had a good relationship with. He taught her all she loves, eventually finding herself part of Luna's night guard, following the foot steps of her father.


Dawn Sentinel  [ Younger Sister ]

While she does 'love' her sister, she can't help but be extremely jealous of the fact that she was the only born pegasus. She's cold and distant towards Dawn most of the time because of her jealousy.


Comet Beam  [ Younger Brother ]

She has a similar relationship with her little brother, but she shows more warmth towards him as he is young.

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