


3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Dragon/Dragon Satyr






In the world that Jade lives in, she is pretty special. Her, along with people like her(half-human creatures. I'll write more about them when I create their profiles), have even more powerful magic than most other people in this world. In her case, she has very powerful healing magic, along with magic involving plants. She is able to make plants grow quicker. She does use her magic to heal people who really need it, but in a way, she does it while making sure people don't know of her actual species. To accomplish this, she has the ability to transform into a dragon form. She had to study quite a bit to be able to do this, since she wasn't born with this ability, but she was able to accomplish this (once again, I'll explain this stuff later when it becomes more relevant). Though this is the case, she can only transform into her dragon form. She could probably learn how to transform into more, but she doesn't see it as necessary for now. She would learn how to when she saw fit, but at this point, she doesn't think it's necessary. 

She doesn't exactly live in a town. The best way to describe where she lives would be to say that she lives in the middle of two towns. She has a house a little bit off of the path to the two towns. She does live closer to one town than the other, though.

She is a pretty nice person. As long as she can tell that someone isn't bad, she will help them with anything they need and as much as she can. She tries her best not to come off as a threat. This can be helped by the fact that she can make it seem like she has fewer magic abilities than she actually does. Despite how much time she spends (mostly) alone, she talks a lot when she meets new people. She has some people that she sees pretty often (they will be put as links when they're on here). She's not exactly the most cautious person in the world. While she is more cautious than the other half-human creatures, she still doesn't think much is going to happen to her if she does or doesn't do something.

She is a WIP, so I'll work on her next time I am able to.