Muninn Orev



3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Muninn represents my more productive, professional side. 

She loves learning, and can usually be found doing research on interesting topics or reading a book. She also enjoys playing the keyboard and piano. She is very shy, and doesn't tell many people that she writes poetry in her spare time. Her favorite genres of books/movies are fantasy, romance, and nonfiction. Her favorite book of all time is Pride and Prejudice, and she loves the 2005 movie interpretation as well. She is very environmentally conscious; she always tries her best to have a waste-free lifestyle. 

She lives in an apartment in a rainy city, on the 6th floor. She has a view of surrounding rooftops, and a river flows in the distance. The city is surrounded by mountains.

She met her friend Fae at a new local coffee shop, Cafaé. She is now a regular customer, and enjoys going out with Fae to shop for stationary and other knick-knacks. 

She likes to write and play music with her long time friend, Hudson. They make chill jazzy music, with piano and bass guitar being the main instruments. Fae sometimes sings along, but they usually make instrumental stuff.