


3 years, 4 months ago


  • Coral

  • age In 20's
  • gender Nonbinary
  • species Human
  • role Supporting character
  • theme

Airheaded • Kind • Fun


Coral is somebody who loves fashion and has always enjoyed looking at it. As soon as she was able to hold a camera that's all she ever did, take photos of fashionista's and street fashion. Soon enough she enrolled in a school and became a well known photographer, she now runs her own magazine line. She can be a bit dense at time and also airheaded but she means well, always doing what is best for them and others. However they do tend to overwork themselves to make sure they reach a deadline or make thing perfect. Manages to drag other people into things without thinking or on accident, but she always tries to apologize. Can be a bit in over their head at times, also likes to ask people to join her photo shoots.

She can be a bit bossy and mean at times if she doesn't get any sleep or is running on a tight deadline. Dislikes people who are self absorbed or are just plain rude. She's just a very well intentioned worker.


height 5'6"

build Medium

pronouns Any

sexuality. Bisexual

dob content

sign content

origin content

occupation Fashion photographer

mbti content

demeanor content

tarot content

element $$$

obtained content

value $$$


  • Fashion
  • Gyaru
  • Cute things
  • Decora


  • Self absorbed people
  • Yelling
  • Deep end of the pool
  • Rumours

Main role

Coral is a fashion photographer who travels to Aphmau's village for inspiration and also just to take a break from the big city life. This is around the time when Aphmau comes back from the candy dimension. She asks Aphmau if she can build a totally cute and flashy building for her, saying she would repay her by doing any quick tasks for her if she needed. As soon as she see's Prince Reese she tries to convice him to model for her latest fashion shoot, even going to ask Aphmau for help to convince him. Since he was curious about human activities he agreed to model for her and then it was issued only in the towns village (since Reese was a candy person and Aphmau explained how most people would be a bit... confused).

After that, Coral mostly just hung around the town, sometimes taking picture shoots for her fashion magazine. She managed to host a fashion show later on in the series, starring Reese, Marsh, Laila, Polly (reluctantly) and Aphmau. It ended up in disaster but Coral didn't mind since they got some pretty good shots and enjoys the more raw stuff instead of perfect photos. She becomes friends with Laila later on and with Polly soon after. She also likes to walk around the village and indulge in the dumb villagers antics.



[ Best friend ] Coral considers Aphmau to be her best friend since she welcomed her to the village AND built her house for her. She's forever in her debt because of this and is always willing to lend a hand to her. Even if she's completely busy with paperwork.



[ Best friend ] Coral considers Laila a best friend since they bounce off of eachother super well. Coral enjoys Laila's puns and jokes and she enjoys putting her own two cents in. Although they don't hang out too often they enjoy eachothers company a lot.



[ Friend ] At first they didn't get along due to Polly's rude attitude at first. However as time went on (and as she became Laila's friend) she finds out that Polly really isn't that bad of a person and slowly comes to be her friend. Despite their bickering sometimes, they mostly got along.



[ Acquaintance ] Coral likes Reese but they aren't that close. She thinks he has a nice model look to him and enjoys using him as a model. She loves to indulge in Reese's dumb obsession with love just for fun and thinks he's a pretty funny guy.



[ Crush ] Coral thinks he's a cutie and likes to talk to him. Although he's a bit of a weird oddball and a candy prince, she finds him super endearing. Coral likes to flirt / tease him at times however since he's not from this world he takes it more literally than romantically. But that's why Coral likes him.



[ Acquaintance ] Coral didn't talk to Modzilla that much but they found him pretty interesting. However he was a bit too loud and well, a bit absorbed for her to enjoy being around him. Soon after he went back to his real home she gained some more respect for him.



[ Friend ] Coral finds Tommy adorable and loves to take care of him if she has to. Would take a bullet for him since he's such a sweetheart and kind kid. Also enjoys taking photos of him and Megan doing cute things just for memories (and to send to Aphmau).



[ Friend ] Coral would literally die for Megan, she loves this little dinosaur kid and enjoys playing games with her. Likes to join in on her dinosaur fun and pretends that she is part sea animal (thats why she's called Coral!). Which makes Megan like her a lot as well. Basically her step child now.

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