


3 years, 5 months ago


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[ name ] Katsuo
[ gender ] male
[ age ] 2000
[ birthday ] November 21
[ species ] kitsune
[ height ] 5'5
[ job ] n/a
[ sexuality ] pansexual

[ courage ]
[ intellect ]
[ empathy ]
[ temper ]
[ charisma ]
[ humor ]

A curious, seiso little kitsune. Though he may experienced how cruel the world can be, Katsuo can still manage a smile on his face. A smile filled with sorrow, and hope. You see, at a young age, Katsuo's father had left him and his mother to go find the Crystal Dragon. A dragon that is said to fulfill all wishes and turn back time. At the time, his family had been living in the snowy mountains. Why? You may ask. Katsuo's mother had been in a large debt, and in attempt to hide from the debt collectors, they moved away from the village, deep in the mountains, where no one can find them.

For all Katsuo knew, he had been living in secret, and constant hiding. He and his mother were waiting for someone to come home, his father. But alas, he never returned, no trace of him found. Was he dead? No one knew exactly. It's like he just dissapeared from existance. Then one day, somehow, the debt collectors have found them. Of course, they have no money to offer.

And that's when tragedy began. The debt collectors burnt down the house, leaving Katsuo and his mother helpless. This of course caused a lot of noise and disruption. Before they know it, there was an avalanche. Katsuo cannot remember much from that event. All he knows that his mother's body has not been found, and he was saved by two older kitsunes. With nowhere to go, he just tagged along with the two, later learning they're Satoshi Tessensu, and Yutaka Masato.


  • snow
  • hot choco

  • avalaanches
  • debt collectors

  • has the ability to see ghosts and spirits
  • has actually spoken to Akira a couple of times, but he doesn't know her true identity
  • loves playing in the snow with his parents

[ father-son relationship ]

[ father-son relationship ]

[ friends / aunt-nephew relationship ]