♧ Thirteen ♧



7 years, 2 months ago


Name: Thirteen

Species: Cat (unknown breed)

Gender: Female

Personality summary: Overconfident, jerk, cocky, insecure, scared

Biography: Thirteen is a feline spirit said to stalk the lonely, desolate parts of areas such as abandoned buildings or places with a lot of negative energy. While she is relatively harmless, Thirteen still gets a kick out of scaring others who somehow wander in and doesn't really care if they suffer afterwards or not. Rumor has it that Thirteen was once a happy cat when she was living, but suffered terribly at the hands of her human caretakers (mainly a teenage boy who had an interest in practicing surgery on the pets he owned, most of the time accidentally killing them) and forever had a dislike for others who seem to have a good life. 

Despite this, Thirteen still refuses to physically harm others though she is capable of it.

Random info:

- Thirteen's head has the ability to detach from the body and float. Rather morbid to watch, but it doesn't harm her at all and she's still able to talk and function.