Adelaide (Details)



They smell faintly of lavender and spring rain
Their coat gently changes in colours in a way that is soothing and calming for those they visit
It's been said that to fall asleep resting against their wool is to have the most peaceful sleep you will experience
They feed off of the nightmares of abused and neglected children, granting them a measure of peace during their struggles
They have their own dream realm that they retire to when they need to rest and regain their energy. Here, the ground is made of clouds that take on similar hues to their wool, and can be molded and shaped just as one would clay.
They are rather large in stature owing to their draconic parentage. When standing upright, they measure about 8 feet tall from head to toe, and their tail alone is 9 feet long. But, they make up for this by using magicks to decrease their size when they visit Dreamers, often taking the size of the average housecat.

Some trivia about them:
Their favourite flowers are dahlias.
They can purr like a cat. They don't usually open their eyes unless they need the child to unsee an extremely traumatic experience or memory in their life
Laying against them feels like one is resting against a heated water bottle.