Romeo LaVey



3 years, 8 months ago


Romeo LaVey






The Devil


"Think you'll go to heaven? No, they'll laugh at you as I send you to hell. The devil is right here, don't turn away now. I'm just getting started."


LaVey is a near inhuman beast, capable of doing anything and everything under the category of sadistic. He keeps the Valencianos in check with torture and extreme aggression, only ever showing kindness to Jackson himself. Providing them with a constant fear, he lives his life charming and deceiving everyone around him. He is of little words, revealing nothing but his extreme need for violence. His personality is hardly known, or if he even is capable of the emotions that come with it. There is never a moment where Lavey isn't a psychopathic force.

Timid Confident
Foolish Clever
Serious Playful
Deceptive Honest
Irrational Logical
Pessimistic Optimistic

  • Sex
  • Drugs
  • Violence


  • Authority
  • Containment
  • Animals


  • Has fullbody Trash Polka tattoos.
  • Trilingual: French, Spanish, English.
  • Virtuouso, can play many instruments and takes part in various 'arts'. Favorite genre of music is Grunge. Favorite type of art is Macabre.
  • Loves classic literaure, poetry, plays, and folklore.
  • His UPPER forehead tattoo reads 'LEVITICUS'. His hands tattoos read 'LITHIUM :)' with each letter on a finger. He has a noose on the left side of his face near his ear.


LaVey doesn't share anything about himself besides what he can be seen doing to his victims. His face reads a constant smirk or disinterest when he isn't focused on a task or speaking to another. His past remains shrouded, only ever revealing pieces when Jackson himself forces it out of him. LaVey's presence himself draws people in or it terrifies them. Switching it on and off to lure those in, he does the same to his other family members. Luring them into their idealistic view of him only to suddenly take it away and remind them of what he truly wants from them. He doesn't see himself as part of the family, but instead the beast to scare the others into place. LaVey secretly prides himself in being worse than the devils he lives with, knowing that at a drop of a coin even they will scream below him.


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Wary Trust
Chaotic Peaceful

The only person that LaVey will listen to authority wise. Jack has carved a place in the world for LaVey within his family and LaVey has no plans to ever leave. To him, Jackson is a god reincarnated. Never being able to even land a scratch on him, he has come to view him as something more than human. He will listen to Jackson to the end, doing all that he asks, no matter what. After all, he is all he has left.

Lexington Van Loren Family Sister

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Wary Trust
Chaotic Peaceful

Met as a teenager, LaVey finds her tolerable; a vague reminder of his sister. When Jackson left them alone and LaVey became the head of the family, he thought he had trust in Lexington. Despite the cruelty he shows her, he has always looked out for her. That was until Lexington attempted to take his life, in which he shattered every last piece of trust he had in her and reminded her that what he can do can always be much worse.

Ophelia Hamilton Family Sister

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Wary Trust
Chaotic Peaceful

Also met as a youth, LaVey never once got along with Ophelia naturally. They butted heads, with LaVey and Jack putting her in her place until she was able to control her anger. To this day, they still hardly get along, only sharing few words until she calls upon him to satisfy a need or urge. Their thether is their ability to both be as ruthless as needed, often working alongside each other to take out a mass of people without any restraint.

Greyson Price Family Brother

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Wary Trust
Chaotic Peaceful

The kid brother of the family, LaVey has taken a liking to him. His childish nature and his skittish attitude amuses LaVey enough to play along with his antics. He doesn't necessarily think badly of Grey, but he knows that at the end of the day if it came down to it, Grey would point the firearms he builds right at him. Depending on Grey's particular resilience, LaVey takes an extra caution with him, making sure that any mistep is heavily punished due to Grey's capabilites as a sharpshooter.

Oliver Michaels Jackson's Dog

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Wary Trust
Chaotic Peaceful

LaVey liked Oliver more before he was designated as a dog, something he could never attach himself to. Oliver to him is an object to bully and use as long as Jackson allows it. He finds Oliver's presence either useful or absolutely meaningless. He finds purchase in degrading him and laughing at the way his life has turned out. He has no sympathy for Oliver, but the fact that Oliver still cares for him reminds him just slightly of Julien. That itself is enough for LaVey to forcibily attach himself enough to protect it when Jackson leaves.

Howard Wright Detective

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Wary Trust
Chaotic Peaceful

A Detective that he interacts with by choice due to his personality reminding him of his mother, LaVey takes each forced meeting with amsuement. Howard is a bastard and something LaVey likes to have around. Howard is one of the few people that are not scared of him, and somehow yet knows how to manage himself well enough for LaVey not to kill him outright. The game of cat and mouse is fun enough, letting Howard in piece by piece and watching him fall to his knees for him is a little project LaVey enjoys thoroughly.

Mercutio Wright Fuckin Nuisance

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Chaotic Peaceful

A fucking nuisance to LaVey, the only reason why he hasn't killed him is his attachment to Howard and the fact that he looks like him just enough to keep his life. He truly despises Mercutio's personality, and even though their names are unintentionally linked together, LaVey would never see Mercutio as anything but overstayed garbage.