


3 years, 5 months ago



cat . 27 moons . they/she . lesbian

"I haven't lived life, I haven't lived love, just birds-eye view from the sky above"

Young hunter from the Tribe Of Cherry Trees. In her veins runs the blood of loners, making her torn between life in her tribe and her mother's legacy. Unable to fit in both places, they wander, trying to find their place in the forest hierarchy. Even being the adopted child of tribe's leader does not guarantee one a sucessfull life.


Name Niko
Age 27 moons
Gender nonbinary
Species maine coon/dragon
Birthday 8/3
Height 50cm
Orientation homosexual
Occupation Tribe Hunter

  • night walks
  • being alone
  • stargazing

  • crowds
  • loud noises
  • leading


  • is the biggest cat in their tribe
  • her mother was their leader's lover
  • hates grasshopers
  • like, a lot
  • often thinks about becoming a loner, like her parents

Design Notes

  • their fur is very thick
  • eyes are always both colors, dont mix the sides
  • her blood is turquoise
  • same for nose/tongue/pawpads et.
  • horns, wings, patterns ARE symmetrical


Repeat a lie enough times, and it will become the truth.

Aloeheart is the perfect example of this. Fixated on presenting like the others, Aloe covinced themself that she's an outcast, and should be treated like one. Now they spend most of their time contemplating what they should and shouldn't do to fit in, isolating themselves with their problems instead of seeking help and confronting them.

She has a bunch of friends that try to keep her company and carry her through all of life difficulties. After meeting Honeyfreckle, Featherstorm, Snakeflower and Beethunder Aloe became a little more lively and willing to socialize.

i hate this oh lord i'll remake this i promise


code by jiko | bg photo by Unsplash