Momoko Enoshima



9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Enoshima Momoko






afab girl






biromantic demisexual


Asian | Japanese






 sukeban trash till i die   


  • Slightly chubby body. Could be considered 'voluptuous' in shape. Short and stubby! 
  • oval face, dark almond shaped eyes, flat nose and small roundish eyebrows. Has cherry red skin and short stubby horns. Often wears thick winged eyeliner and occasionally deep plum toned lipsticks outside of school.
  • Dark pinkish red bobbed hair that reaches to about her shoulders, slightly messy.
  • Her default outfit is her school uniform- a lilac sailor top cropped short with a matching skirt, usually with knee-high white socks and maryjane flats. She sometimes wears a dark knit cardigan over her uniform. Outside of school she sticks to blacks and typical 'sukeban' inspired fashion. 


  • Hotheaded - Momoko has terrible anger management issues yet tends to bottle these emotions up; this often leads to violent outbursts and unnecessary fights.
  • Asides her anger issues, she is emotionally detached and finds it difficult to connect with others emotionally, despite how much she might want to.
  • Quiet- Barely speaks,  relies more on body language. When she does speak, she usually has something rude to say.
  • Stoic- Momoko barely expresses any form of emotions, often coming across as cold or grumpy. She's described as a 'deadpan'.
  • Is capable of compassion and empathy, but can only express it in subtle ways.
  • Despite her harsh exterior, deep down shes a lil goofball with a big heart, she just finds it hard to express it!

General Info

Despite being much smaller than their male counterparts, demons assigned female at birth are just as ferocious and just as strong. Momoko is no exception, as she is capable of lifting objects 10x her own weight. With her incredible strength, the years of tactical training from her parents and her reputation of being one of the most powerful girl gang leaders on her side of kyoto, Momoko was able to secure herself a position with the yakuza at such a young age.

She works as a bodyguard and is highly underestimated by the rest of 'the family'; which has lead her to highly dislike her job. However, she wants to do her parents proud and has had to put up with harrassment, belittling and lowkey bullying from her much, much older peers.  Momoko hopes to become a powerful Yakuza boss when she grows up, to end the sexism within the family and prove herself to be the most ferocious yakuza in the city.


♥ She loves to stock up on the cheapest, grossest ramen noodles. She genuinely enjoys oreo ramen. However, street foods are her favourite kind of food.

♥ She's super broke.

♥ Often recieves unsolicited attention from men (particularly creepy yakuza men). This is whats prompted her to be an active feminist, as she cannot stand being treated in such a disgusting way.

♥ She has a soft spot for cute girls. Only the cutest of girls can make her absolutely weak! 

♥ She has Dyslexia

♥ She and her demon girl gang is still considered one of the most notorious gangs in her district, no one really wants to mess with them, really only because theyre demons. Other than that they dont really do anything but beat up rude boys and smoke in the junkyard.

♥ Is still in school, but is failing in most of her studies asides english.

♥ Momoko actually likes pop music! But refuses to admit this. 

♥ She absolutely despises anime and manga. The term 'otaku' makes her cringe and she hates it when people compare her to anime characters. (notably lum invader, fuck that)

♥ Momoko looks up to her mother more than her father. She sees her as a major role model in her life.

♥ She's naturally drawn to thunderstorms, she'll sit on the roof for hours just to watch them.

♥ She adores 80's sukeban movies featuring strong girls!! She loves shit like Sukeban Deka even tho she tries to say that its dumb.