


7 years, 1 month ago


An alien with a fairly vague and unknown past that he doesnt remember. He was left waiting as a child until Quamar found him and became a caretaker for him. He is young looking but is fully mature despite the fact he didnt grow any horns or spikes unlike the others of his kind back at the homeland. This could be due to the Earth's atmosphere or gravity, but who really knows. His name was given to him by Quamar and is written like "ظلام", which is arabic for darkness.
Zalam is fairly relaxed and outgoing, but is usually found alone wandering the desert. Once he was able to fully speak their language taught to him by Quamar, Zalam tried to talk to humans but they were terrified of him considering him a demon or even a diety of sorts. A shrine was made to worship and keep offerings or warding away talismans for him, but it was ineffective due to Zalam not being of that planet. He took a liking to a dyed tag with the characters "晚" meaning night, and has worn it in his hair ever since. He doesnt wear clothing (unless forced to by Quamar) but instead is wearing some light bandages to cover parts of himself.