


3 years, 5 months ago


Her trauma response is typically fight.

She’s been through a lot of shit in her life, and she’s not afraid to attack someone that’s trying to come onto her non consensually, and she’d defend her friends too. She uses cute stuff to distract from her trauma, and will only carry around weapons that she deems are cute~
She won’t let anyone mean see her cry, but cries easily when alone.
Though men keep hurting her she still wants to find love, though she’s a bit apprehensive about it now.
Just wants a sweet guy that’ll pet her hair and will be a loser with her that watches anime and games a lot.
Wants to be an E-girl but is too afraid to go out dressed all crazy, so she has a more casual outfit, and uses her cooler fashion to lounge around the house and make Tik toks.
Her favorite genre of games is shooters, her favorites right now are Bioshock 2 (she likes protecting the Little Sisters and feeling as strong as a Big Daddy) and Overwatch! (She mains Reaper)

(As I wrote this I could tell, yeah, she’s probably a bit inspired by me. She is a comfort character of mine so eh I’m fine with that.)

Feel free to draw her getting revenge on abusers, happy and thriving, sad girl, sexy, or even gore!
Whatever you’d like really.
Also draw her with or without the bandaid on her face, your choice.
And I draw her as human with the bunny ears just as a hat she wears, but feel free to draw her anthro if that’s your thing.