


3 years, 5 months ago




Mutations: Crystal horns, extra eyes, pupil, body mouth 

UC: elemental goo fluff 

Base Element: Umbralarin [shadow] 

Special Trait: Magen-crazed, shifting element colour/eye flecks, starving. 

This lementa is starved for magen. Their eye flecks and elemental glow may change based on the most recent magen type they've consumed. They are not powered by their main element and cannot 'store' magen the way other lementarin do and are in a constant state of needing to feed. They feed ravenously on nodes and may even attack other lementarin to get the magen they need. Depending on their state of hunger they could potentially drain another lementa, depleting their magen stores and essentially killing them if not fended off. Some magen-crazed are prone to frenzy, attempting to consume any magen in their path if they are overwhelmed with hunger or may die. They are looked down upon by most gatherings and many refuse to harbor them and may even hunt them down to keep their gathering safe. Other, less aggressive magen-crazed may be filled with sorrow and attempt to find lementa who may share their nodes or give magen freely but harboring a magen-crazed lementa is considered taboo by most Courts.


He/Him; They/Them

When Amun was just a whisp, he was a hopeful prospect for his gathering. The entire gathering was so excited when their whisp was blessed with a Kiss of the HIgh Prince hoping he would be a powerful magen weaver. They did everything they could to welcome in the new whisp with excited and open arms. They always treated them like a royal and so whenever something started going wrong they were in denial. Slowly, Amun needed magen "donations" from others and his demand only grew with each feeding. Before long, the entire gathering was wrapped up in trying to keep their coveted whispling secluded for protection and a secret from those who might wish to take him. Because of their reluctance to outsource magen feedings, the gathering has slowly dwindled away down to just a single sane member left.


Echo is the last living member of Amun's original gathering. Something about their magen sustains Amun much longer and gives him a moment of mental clarity after feeding. In these moments Amun feels deep regret and wants to rectify the situation and save his last gathering mate. However, the feeling of guilt from what he has done, and the stress of seeing Echo in such a whithered state brings the feeding frenzy on sooner. When he can think straight, he tries to find an outsourced meal, to try and keep Echo around longer. He placed a mark on them to try and place a deterrent on them.