


3 years, 5 months ago


σ( ̄、 ̄〃)
 Name  Legacy
 Age  N/A
 Gender  None
 Pronouns  He/Him
 Bday  January 13th
 Voice  info  
 Theme  info  

 Species  N/A
 Height  6'3"
 Sexuality  asexual
 Job  Looking after your creations
 Trait  Trusting
 R.status  Single
 L.status  Alive

 ABOUT  The youngest of the twins. Spends time playing online games or looking after those he created. Most often receives from the older brother, when the second notices that the younger escapes into the world created by them. Almost the complete opposite of his brother.
 Personality  Legacy is a trusting enough creator, as well as an affectionate one, which infuriates his older brother. Stupid and ignorant of the evil intentions of some of his creatures. He is kind and tries to speak gently enough to others. He is smart in terms of animals, but not in technology. Legacy most often gets hit on the head by his brother, but still continues to love him, because he knows that he is just worried about him and cares so much about him.
  • Big brother.
  • Warm shades.
  • Hide in the mantle.
  • Iced tea.
  • When the brother grumbles or swears.
  • Losses in games.
  • Deception.

  • Has four pairs of tentacles.
  • He hides them well enough under his mantle.
  • He's often hugged by his own brother.
  • Doesn't need food.
  • Escapes to the mortal world.
Even  big brother
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