


3 years, 5 months ago



Name Moxie Cassidy Jones
Pronouns She/Her
Age 24
Birthdate April 1st
Height 5'4"
Weight 138 pounds
License No. 152292
Level 02
Species Chikorita/Shedninja
Typing Grass/Ghost
Profession Lead guitarist/ singer for Vortex
Theme Bad romance


  • Classic Rock
  • Rain
  • Warm drinks
  • Guitars


  • Being touched
  • Germs
  • Things being out of order
  • Relationships

Stats and Inventory

HP/CON 95 {+0}
SP.ATK/CHA 30 {-3}
ATK/STR 90 {+0}
SP.DEF/INT 90 {+0}
DEF/WIS 90 {+0}
SPD/DEX 40 {-3}

Ability | Wonderguard

Its mysterious power only lets supereffective moves hit the Pokémon.

Ghost | Shadow sneak

The user extends its shadow and attacks the target from behind. This move always goes first.

Poison | Poison power

The user scatters a cloud of poisonous dust that poisons the target.

Psychic | Heal pulse

The user emits a healing pulse that restores the target’s HP by up to half of its max HP.

Normal | Bodyslam

The user drops onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis.

Battle Item | Battle Item Name

Battle Item Description Goes Here.

Battle Item | Battle Item Name

Battle Item Description Goes Here.

Contest Item | Contest Item Name

Contest Item Description Goes Here.

Contest Item | Contest Item Name

Contest Item Description Goes Here.

Berry Item | Berry Item Name

Berry Item Description Goes Here.

Berry Item | Berry Item Name

Berry Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.


A semi famous lady whom seems to keep her secrets close to her heart. She is known because of the band Vortex. Not much else is know about the girl besides her songs and voice.


Creative | Hard working | Peaceful

Moxie is a highly creative person, she tends to come up with solutions and thoughts for the band along with being the lead songwriter for it. She tends to get into her projects when working and doesn't seem to run out of ideas when she is working on them. She does tend to work hard with what she does, she doesn't just do the song writting for the band, she books it places to play, does the taxes and helps keep everything afloat... it is rare when her mind isn't on the band and it's well being. Moxie seems to be a peaceful person. She does her best to avoid conflicts and keep everything a check and afloat with everyone.

Secretive | Pessemistic

Everyone has secrets they want to keep close. Moxie just keeps hers as close as she possibly can. She is nervous and untrusting of others. Her secrets she justified are to keep herself safer. No one needs to know what she thinks or what happens in her free time. No one needs to know what she doesn't want them to know... after all you open up your heart and it gets hurt. She also seems to think in a darker mindset, the glass is always half empty to her. A melechonic mood. A song of sadness in the night. Things always do go wrong in some way don't they? She is unable to be happy for long without being hit by a bout of pessimism.

Germaphobe | Anxious | Trust issues |

Moxie cannot stand being touched or having people too close to her. Her personal space and items all must be kept away from others. Before she touches anything she has to clean it off. The fear of germs on her can often be to the point where she refuses to do things and go places. Moxie is also quite an anxious person as well. Unable to feel calm and safe for long without anxiety poping up. She can only handle her shows for an ammount of time. People watching her. Having their eyes on her... It is terrifying... exhillerating all in the same time. And well trusting others... pretty hard after a bad romance right? Its a hard thing in general after you have been hurt so bad. She doubts her best friends still out of anxiety, fear , pessimism and... being too nervous to really trust anyone.


Moxie was born the only child of two meganium parents. They lived in the Marlios region since she was quite young and she enjoyed it. She never had any problems with the one or two fusion kids that would appear or anything. It was just a fun time overall. Moxie did great in elementary school and was quite an energetic young girl. Running around getting into childish situations. Although she did always have quite a knack for picking up a new hobby every month. From knitting, to learning how to do origami. She was quite a little hobbyist.

In middle school she got involved with dance. Running around joining classes. Keeping absolutely busy was a blast for her. And then high school hit and well she got into music… but music was different for her. She didn’t get bored with it and it didn’t lose its little bit of charm like the others did. It was something she was passionate about. Something that really brought her joy.

But she also began to fall with the wrong crowd… make mistakes that could not be taken back… like her ex. The one person she dated in her life… and perhaps the last. It was not the best relationship to say the least… but it lasted for years. From highschool up until she was twenty two… but we will not be going too far into these affairs… Eventually she was able to get the courage to break up with him and moved away. During this time she fused with a shedninja. The emotions of not wanting to be hurt again like she was prompted the fusion... perhaps a welcome fusion for the girl?

What was it like living after her situation… hard. She was homeless for a few months before a young toucannon ended up giving her a meal and talking with her. This was the start of a friendship. Moxie was invited to live with the girl and her roommate. The toucannon’s name was Valerie and her roommate was a Blitzle taur girl by the name of Genesis. Slowly but surely Moxie began to heal up and feel better. Opening up about her trauma and well becoming close friends with the girls.

SEventually they all realized they had something in common. Music. Moxie was 23 at this point and well… the girls started up the band Vortex. Eventually becoming known as a rock band and well gaining a fanbase. It was fun at first but eventually fans wanted more from the girls and the stress hit them all. But they changed up the situation and now they continue on feeling better about everything. They helped take the spotlight off Moxie a bit.. Gained another member and a bodyguard. Now it seems everything is in place for the girls to be able to enjoy themselves and their band.



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