Bronte (World of Wildlife)



1 year, 20 days ago


Name: Bronte Charlotte Reeve

Age: Mid 20’s 

Height: 5’6

Eye color: green

Hair color: dark, usually dyed with green highlights

Species: Basilisk Lizard 

Family: parents are divorced 

Relationship status: single

Ex Relationships


Likes: the finer things in life

Hates: fickle people, men

Bio: Bronte Reeve grew up in New York with her mother, Tondra, in a single parent household. Her father, Memphis, left when she was a little girl, meaning that she has few memories of him. Her father left them near penniless, forcing Tondra to work odd jobs to make ends meet. Tondra worked hard day and night to make a name for herself, till she was able to start a small cosmetics business. It was her bold attitude and snappy attitude that allowed her to claw to the top to where she was able to start selling her products in Selfridges. Her mother’s personality rubbed off on Bronte, with some saying that Bronte was her mother’s perfect protege. With her mother in the cosmetic business, Bronte started to go into the fashion business, further expanding their brand (Tondra Reeve) into the international market. 

After working for a few years under her mother and starting her own personal goal of becoming a professional model, Bronte eventually decided to move to Los Angeles to pursue a degree and to expand her horizons. She attended Animal Academy and graduated with a degree in business. Deciding that Los Angeles was less stressful than living in New York, with her overbearing mother, she has chosen to remain there for the time being. 

Personality: Prickly and aloof, Bronte isn’t known to be particularly friendly. Even as a child, she was more determined to work hard and make a name for herself than to play. She had a difficult childhood as she and her mother lived paycheck to paycheck for a long time. Though she is now at the top of a highly successful business, Bronte does not plan to settle and continues to work hard to push forward. Much of her action oriented attitude can be attributed to her mother. As much as she does not like to admit it, Bronte is a bit of a romantic. However she has found that she has difficulties dating men… 


  • Tondra got her deal with Selfridges when she threw a bottle of one of her perfumes on the floor in order to prove that her perfume was as good as any of the other high end brands in the store (historic reference: Estee Lauder)
  • As much as she doesn’t like to admit it, Bronte is bi 
  • Face claim: Kiria Kurano (TMS #FE)