Free Smithsonian Patterns



3 years, 3 months ago



Free Smithsonian Patterns

SO I SAW ON TWITTER A FEW HOURS AGO THAT THE SMITHSONIAN MUSEUMS HAD OPENED A LOT OF THEIR IMAGES FOR FREE USE...sO I've been going through and picking out some personal favorites to turn into usable high-res seamless patterns!! These are some examples of ones I've collected to potentially work on
While some may not be completely perfect in their repetition due to how they were either made or scanned, I'll try my best!!
I've gone through and picked out ones that are completely free to use for just about everything for ur lil artist needs, or if ur just like me and enjoys staring at pretty patterns for no real reason

Feel free to link any patterns you find that you want potentially edited and I can try 538821371715911690.png?v=1 I'll slowly be updating this with new patterns as I complete editting them! so feel free to check back every once in awhile

Notice: If you'd like to know the exact terms for these images this is what they had quoted! "This media is in the public domain (free of copyright restrictions). You can copy, modify, and distribute this work without contacting the Smithsonian. For more information, visit the Smithsonian's Terms of Use page."