


3 years, 4 months ago



Name Adrihan
Designer Lil-Sprout
Gender Male
ObtainedBought from @lil-sprout for 20$
Significant Other None (Available)
Rules           Resell only at bought price unless w/ extra art
Species Tiger

RoleBounty hunter


  • Helmet is optional

Adrihan is secretive, but charismatic. He's passionate about his beliefs, and generally very confident in any action he takes. He has an aura of reliability no matter who you are, and its easy for others to trust him (as long as you're on his side). He has a temper, however, and if you aren't on his side, you're likely to be subject to it, as he has struggles empathizing with others who disagree with him. He can be rather closeminded to why people would do things that he himself doesn't agree with, often leading him to lash out at good people and sometimes giving people the impression that he's selfish or self-absorbed.

Even if he's pretty distant in his personal life, others find themselves drawn to him because of his ability and determination to complete anything he sets his mind to.


  • His mother is also quite overbearing, and fills his backpack with things for when he goes out if she has the chance to. She likes packing him lunchables (or this world's equivalent, anyway). He insists he's too old for them, but secretly loves them anyway.

Adrihan is a bounty hunter who works to track down and capture high profile political enemies. He was the son of a former politician who grew up listening to his father's words and those of his political rivals. Frustrated with the 'game' of political favor, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Though he typically goes after active and wanted criminals, he's more than once done the dirty work to bring corrupted members of his government to justice. He fights strongly within his own motives as to whether or not he's doing this because he genuinely wants to help people, or because he simply enjoys the thrill of a hunt. He's convinced himself that he's a bad person, and as a result tends to be very cold and aloof from others, preferring the role of a lone wolf because he's afraid of what damage he can cause to anyone he allows close to him. This lack of trust stems from his father getting hurt as a direct result of his engagement with dangerous foes, and is one that's nestled deep in who he is.

He's currently deeply invested in trying to bring down a high profile and highly armed gang of criminals who have recently risen to power in the underbelly of his city of Belwatch. 

He is vastly averse to guns (As he finds them loud and unreliable) , and prefers a blade and utilizing stealth to learn the information he needs or track the people he has to find. He's pretty good at freerunning, (as a result of it being a hobby he practiced as a teen with his friends) and uses this to get around efficiently. His skill in swordsmanship was mostly a self-taught effort, with the help of his grandfather who taught him the basics of the skill. 

His father retired after a [failed] assassination attempt, leaving Adrihan mostly to his own devices. After this point, he stopped going after political rivals of his family and instead simply goes after whoever he sees as having committed a wrong. Also making him further a loose cannon and potential danger, and also rendering him on rocky footing with the police as a result. 

He is an adult, but still lives at his family's manor so that he can take care of them because his [justified] paranoia for their safety weighs heavily on him and he'd be very distressed to be too far away from them for too long. It would kill him if something were to happen to them and he wasn't there to do something. His parents aren't exactly approving of his choice of work, but they've tried arguing him out of it with no success, and at this point have accepted they won't talk their stubborn son into a 'safe' career. 


  • Freerunning
  • A challenge
  • Winning
  • Video games

  • Feeling betrayed
  • Those who hurt others
  • Big corrupt companies
  • Loud obnoxious people

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Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

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Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

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Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
