
7 years, 1 month ago


Full name: Orsov 

Age: 25 

Gender: Male (He/Him) 

Orientation: Aromantic/Acesexual 

Race: Vampire (cryptid) 

Height: 5'6" 

Weight: 190lbs 

Likes: reading, stargazing, avant gard and jazz music, the dark, puzzles/board games, watching movies, sleeping, flying, going for walks/running, being at the beach 

Dislikes: daytime, crowds, chatty people, bright colors, sports, lots of noise, messy spaces 

Fears: scaring people, being judged, making small talk 

Goals: being understood, making more friends 

Family: has a mother and father, is the only child 

3 main character traits: - independent 

- introverted 

- logical 

Fun fact: Orsov is a vampire, which are born as such and not undead. They are bat like humanoid creatures with mild shapeshifting abilities, they can take on a human appearance to hide their true form and shift specific parts of their bodies to appear like a hybrid between their true and human forms. They are strictly carnivorous and can only eat meat, bones and blood, anything else makes them very sick, they don't eat humans but misleading myths told by humans in the past made people believe they do. They have very light sensitive eyes and prefer to be out at night though the sun doesn't hurt them.