
3 years, 5 months ago



Name Nordis
Age 26
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Straight
Build Long/Skinny
Species Hellhound/Cerastes hybrid
Occupation Tracker
Design Notes

  • Mask is his face
  • He is very skinny and long for a hell hound
  • always has fire around him, can control if it hurts others or not
  • Can't breath fire it comes from his markings and glowing fur
  • glowing fur is warm to the touch

Nordis is very quiet and reserved, not one for having many friends(more like he lived in the woods alone). He has had a very solitary life and is pretty bad at social interactions, he moved to the underground of slayer street to help teach humslef better social skills and a change in scenery,

He loves to learn and read anything about modern sciences, if he had been more involved with humans he may have been a scientist. He is the best tracker in the near area and loves to go camping back in his home woods when he feels the city is too much for him.


Nordis was born and raised in the deep forest away from humanity, some locals of the area called him a wendigo of sorts because of his height and tendancy to glow at night. For years he lived there mostly as a silent observer but soon grew bored of the life he lead. He heard about a safe place for creatures like him to stay that wasn't too far so he spent a few nights traveling there. Once there he learned as much as he could and even learned how to maintain his human disguse for longer amounts of time. He isn't the biggest fan of killing but as the best tracker in the local area without using a spell he found work in helping bounty hunters find their target faster and cheaper than they otherwise would.

He lives in a simple appartment and though the place seems barren with little to no furniture it works for him as he sleeps in his natural form and most furniture can't support him correctly. He only has a couch and a dinning set for if he has guests over for some reason. He mostly sleeps during the day and is usually awake at night and while not hunting he is usually seen in the local library or in hte nearby park relaxing among the trees, to remind himself of home.

In the past hes had a few close encounters with humans all of them turned bad, and one lead to a manhunt for him when he was younger and the locals thought he killed a human that got lost in the woods and they saw him by the body. Since then he is very wary of humans and prefers to just avoid them than fight.


  • Forest ambiance
  • Stargazing
  • New foods
  • Books

  • Unvolentarily getting wet
  • Uninvited creatures in his territory
  • Pointless murder
  • too many humans
  • Being in human form too long

Name relationship

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