


3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Current Identity

Yato (1894 - present)

Past Identity

Kaho Yamato (1869 - 1894)






Half Ainu, Quarter Chinese, Quarter Japanese


Army Lieutenant (Former), Onmyōji





Yato is a mysterious man and master onmyōji. He is incredibly powerful with unknown limitations to his powers or abilities.

His main focus is to train Miyako to “realize her potential” as he found that Miyako is a descendant of the legendary onmyōji Abe no Seimei.


Yato came up with his name as he took on a new identity as an immortal onmyōji. “Yato” can be spelled as “やと” or as “夜刀” meaning “night blade/sword”.

His previous identity had the name Kaho Yamato (大和  果報) Yamato Kaho. Kaho means “good fortune” and Yamato was the name of ancient Japan.


Most of the time, he appears stoic and unemotional, though it is mostly used as a front to intimidate and strike fear into others. He is bad at concealing his anger, but is quick to hide it or calm himself.

He enjoys taunting and toying with his enemies or rivals if only to make them afraid of him. However, he can express respect to those he considers “equal” to him.

He is intensely goal-driven and dead-set on realizing his plans and ideals, no matter how long it may take him.

Yato has a soft spot for Miyako, so he may lower his guard and reveal his true self around her, though he may hide it from her.

Deep inside, he is angered at the world and wishes to change it drastically to his own ideals - to create a better Japan by destroying the Japanese “ethnostate” that exists in his eyes.


Onmyōdō - Yato has a good understanding of the uses and applications of onmyōdō, to the degree that he twists traditional methods into his own. There’s probably a limit to what he can do, but it’s hard to say what.

Dream Communication - Yato is able to enter and communicate with others through dreams, though he only uses it with Miyako. 

Flight and Teleportation - His extreme knowledge of onmyōdō and religious techniques allow him to levitate and fly for brief periods of time. He is also able to teleport if not disrupted for a certain amount of time.

Spirit Communication 

Sword-fighting - Thanks to his army training in the past, he is exceptional at using katana. He prefers using magic over his swordsmanship, however.


Not much is known about Yato’s background or life story besides the fact that he was born in Hokkaido as an only child to an Ainu father and a Chinese-Japanese mother. Being born in time for the Meiji Restoration certainly formed his view of the world.

He joined the army by his parents’ request for money and soon rose to the rank of a Lieutenant.

He supposedly committed suicide in 1894 in Dalian while fighting in the military in the (first) Sino-Japanese War. Supposedly there had been a massacre during the night, leaving him alive. Once another platoon entered the area, he jumped from a cliff, his body never found or recovered. 


Control, his past family, traveling, Miyako 


The Imperial Japanese Court, the military, the Japanese in general

Other Assorted Facts

He is fluent in Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin), and Korean. He has some knowledge of the Ainu language and English.

Due to his immortality, he doesn’t have the need to eat or drink. While he can, he certainly doesn’t bother with it.

He consistently wears his old uniform to “blend in”. It may also be just that it’s the only clothes he owns.