
3 years, 5 months ago



True Name:
Given Name: Alric Fearolc

Born in Falias he grew up on the streets. His whole life has been fighting and fucking. After a time he grew bored of the war and decided to leave Tir na Nog for earth. Ther were 113 when they left.


Name: Belle Shepard,

 Belle was a simple and charming country girl whose family were the local healers. From a young age she learned to assist with the healing practices as well as take over when needed.



The Fatebound Belle Shepard/Remus Sceapleigh

One day while coming home Belle was attacked by a bear and died for a few moments with Alrik bringing he back. Alrik stuck around town and he and Belle formed a friendship. After some time talk of fate binding, and all it entailed, came up and Belle agreed to fatebind with Remus for fear of her inevitable death.  They have been fatebound for a number of years and moved into London when Bell was still 19 after soon after the Fate binding. Since then they have lived in various places around England with a few years in Australia. They have live the past 7 years in America, having moved to Colorado to work as a CPS worker and just recently moved to Massachusetts.

FULL Backstory




1823-1861 Belle Shepard

                They fatebound when Belle was only 19 in 1842. After the Fatebinding Belle struggled to deal with the changes being fatebound brought. The full moon comes and they struggle to control their fury. First is chickens and other farm animals, next it’s the husband that Belle knows hits his wife. They’re not really sue who they are anymore and the small-town Belle had once loved becomes suffocating, so Belle decided to move to London setting off on her own, if Belle can even fully think of herself as female anymore. Her parents were disappoined and despaired at the thought of her departure, but the let her go with a small sum of money to start her off. When there she got a job as an apprentice in a healers shop. After a time, he retired and left her the shop to run. This time in London was a time of self-exploration for Belle. She, he, they however one might describe it struggle to control their anger, many people who likely did not id died along with many who did. In trying to figure out who they are they flit between forms, experimenting with both men and women, clothing, sexuality, ways of life. All of this away from the shop where they have good reputation. After a time, it becomes a routine, the sweet healer takes many of the unfortunate into her shop and helps them on their way and the wolf, the man ends the lives of the wicked who have harmed some of their patients. This is also a time they explore the fatebound community in London getting to know others more like them.

1861-1894 William Wood

After a time, they begin to see those around them have noticed their odd lack of aging. Its time for a new life. With help of some fatebound friends they make arrangements for Belle to disappear and for them to become William, a young man from a well-off family who wishes to go to medical school. If their going to start over they mine as well take advantage and learn medical in a professional institution the only way they can. They grow proficient in the professional medical field and eventually become a doctor. In this time they still struggly with their anger and kill many on those who hurt the innocent. It was a patterned that had developed when they were Belle. They kill the abusers and rapist of the world, and unfortunately some who simply made them angry.

They flirt with many women in shrouded form but must tread with caution because if anyone found out the truth about them, there would be trouble. At night they would do as the please unshrouded. After some time, they meet Eliza. She is a strong headed girl who due to her bolder nature has remained unwed at an older age. Remus takes a liking to Eliza eventually reveling their deepest secrets about their true sex, and their true nature as a fatebound. The two having grown close eventually wed. The lived happily married for years before Williams true sex was revealed to their peers and they fled to a small town due to the danger their lives we in, people did not take to kindly to people like Remus and Eliza. The couple lived happily for a few years in the country, with William acting as a medic in the small town, before Eliza became ill. She had no wish to Fatebind or receive fae healing and so with no cure for her sickness she passed away, It was with this Belle, now William realized the true sorrow of immortality in a mortal world.

1894-1936 Elizabeth King venatici hunting  dogs

Soon after Eliza dies decide to make a change and move on from their life as William. They take the name Elizabeth in honor of their now dead wife and move to a bigger town in England. Before going them make arrangements to information on their identity changed so they can go and work as a healer and nurse in the smaller town skipping medical school this time around. They have become rather more bitter about humanity and the shortness of human live in comparison to the fae. They let their fury and desire to take the lives of those who wrong those weaker consume them. They maintain cautions as a doctor covering their tracks, but late into the nights their body count grows and grows in their years as Elizabeth. As a wolf they hunt down much of their prey often leaving little to no evidence of their demise. As their work allows they move around from town to town, living each place for a few years at a time.

1936- 1972 Alec Wolfswood canes persus the hero

                Going into the 1900 the world is starting to change more rapidly. While the highly enjoy this environment of change it also has bring far better technology and crime solving than in the Past. They have always been cautious but as their age as Elizabeth had become more and more suspicious and they begin to worry more and more their uncontrolled nightly habits they decide to make a change. With help the yet again change their identity and go back to medical school. This life is meant to be a calmer one, more controlled. It is time to play the hero not the hunter. In their time as Alec the struggle more and more to battle their wolf into submission suppressing the fury and the blood thirsty beast that lurks inside. This time around they try to find different ways then murder to solve to solution of abuse. More often than not humans don’t really change, perhaps murder is the only way to protect the innocent from those that would do them harm. Yet again they present as male only starting to loosen up into a more gender fluid nature toward the end of their life as Alec, much to the shock of their colleagues.

1972-1976 Neoma Lunar

In this more brief time of their life they meet a group of Fate bound who wish to live together as a community in Australia. It’s the time of free love and they’re in the mood for a change so they go with the group. The orgies were great, but the decrease in killing and fighting wasn’t as fun.

1976 – 2011 Lyalla Night sagitarius

                Growing board of the hippie life rather quickly they move back to England deciding to change once again.  The times had begun to change many decades ago and they decide its time they worked as a doctor as woman. They return to the more modern medical school yet again grueling through classes to re learn all the most important bases of medical and to learn the new advances. In this time the let out a little of their inner wild child. They buy a motor cycle and embrace more of a biker chick life style. They spend much time in biker bars and getting into bar fights when their not busy with school or later with work. They also let loose and go wild at the local clubs. This time, in this life they wont play the foolish hero. Humans don’t change so easily it so much better to play the vigilantly, killing with caution and sparingly in the right cases of course. There is no mercy for those that hurt the innocent, that abuse those weaker than them.

2011 - current  Aries

 Tattoos, canis minor little dog, , Bootes the heardsman canis major the great dog,