


7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info








Mutant coyote (fondly refers to herself as a "prongote")




40 in (3ft 4in)


53 in (4ft 5in)


60 lbs


Chaotic Neutral


APPEARANCE | Strange is an odd beast, looking as though someone took genetic material from a pronghorn and a coyote, tossed it in a blender, baked it at 350°, then accidentally dropped the resulting creature in the dirt. The summary of her features make her look like a nearly-even mix between a coyote and a pronghorn, though she is actually a mutant form of coyote. Her fur is short, bristly, and usually covered in dust.
• Large ears with upward-turning tips
• Spiky fur on haunches
• Fur is puffy normally, but stands up even more when stressed
• Low wrist/ankle joints
• Able to run faster than a coyote, but nowhere as fast as a pronghorn
• Four hooved toes on each foot, no dewclaws
• Somewhat more adept at climbing rocky surfaces, but cannot walk quietly
• Omnivorous; has long, slender canine teeth and flat molars (bearlike in structure)
• Short, bushy tail
• Bristly, spiky mane
• Sturdy horns with inward-turning points
• Horizontal pupils
• No dewclaws
• Pronghorn-like nose
• Sense of smell is less acute than that of a coyote

PERSONALITY | rowdy • reckless • impulsive • uncouth • rash • selfish • rebellious
Strange speaks before the thoughts have fully formed in her mind and she acts before considering any consequences. She is incredibly rash and can be quite selfish. She’s good to her companions and loved ones, but is indifferent toward strangers. While not actively malicious, she does not care about the wants or needs of strangers at all and will frequently disadvantage them for her own gain. She does what she wants, when she wants, how she wants, and cannot stand to be told otherwise. Strange can be somewhat of a bully, and often comes across as rude or abrasive. She is foulmouthed, and lovingly insults friends, though she insults her enemies worse.

Strange is quite fond of roughhousing, wrestling, and mock fights. She’ll spar with anyone, regardless of size, and she takes care not to injure smaller creatures. It’s somewhat of a greeting for her, and she tends to instigate fights when first meeting someone. That interaction often determines her overall opinion of them. She especially loves locking horns with other horned creatures.

She began calling herself Strange after someone tried to insult her with the term. "Why yes, I am Strange," she'd responded, and though the joke has long-since grown old, she refuses to call herself anything else. Likewise, she tends to respond to insults (whether directed at her or not) by pretending that it is her name. She will answer to most any insult, and has a fairly thick skin.

Strange is fascinated by all things mysterious, and loves urban legends, folklore, stories of the supernatural, and is convinced that there is life among the stars. She enjoys stargazing, discussing 'paranormal' experiences, and listening to all sorts of rumors. Strange also has a destructive streak and likes chewing/tearing objects apart.

LIKES | cryptids • aliens • supernatural stories • roughhousing • stealing • scavenging • causing chaos • destruction • mayhem

DISLIKES | authority • regulations • not having opposable thumbs

LIVING SPACE | Strange spends most of her time wandering in junkyards, gathering items to hoard, trade, or sell. She has turned a broken-down van into her “den.” The van has been stripped of all its useful parts, but was pretty tricked out at one point. Its sides are painted in an 80s scifi theme.

HISTORY | Strange’s past is relatively unremarkable. She was a wild, uncontrollable child, raising hell and ignoring all reprimands. She and her siblings parted ways once they grew up, each seeking out their own fortunes.

LINKS | Aesthetic BlogPlaylist