


3 years, 4 months ago



Derea Whitehouse

Age 22
Pronouns They/Them
Orientation Aromantic/Asexual
Alignment N/A
Status Alive/Unused
Level 5
Race Half-Aarakocra
Class Order Domain Cleric
Background Acolyte

Proficiency Bonus +3
Max HP 32
Armor Class 18
Speed 30 ft
Initiative +2
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 15 (+2)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 19 (+4)
Charisma: 12 (+1)

"The moment you see someone as harmless is the moment you underestimate them."
Plain and simple, Derea is a very kind soul who prefers not to harm anybody. A follower of Cahena, they love helping those who need it and contributing to the community. Whether that be through donations, adventuring or simply being around as moral support, they are very willing to do anything that'll help people.

Attacks & Spells

Atk Bonus / Save DC

1d8+3 bludgeoning

Crossbow, Light
1d8+2 piercing


Languages: Common, Aarakocra, Celestial, Orc

Weapons: Simple Weapons

Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy Armor, Shield

Tools & Kits: N/A

Features & Traits

Acolyte Shelter of the Faithful
As an acolyte, you command the respect of those who share your faith, and you can perform the religious ceremonies of your deity. You and your adventuring companions can expect to receive free healing and care at a temple, shrine, or other established presence of your faith, though you must provide any material components needed for spells. Those who share your religion will support you (but only you) at a modest lifestyle.You might also have ties to a specific temple dedicated to your chosen deity or pantheon, and you have a residence there. This could be the temple where you used to serve, if you remain on good terms with it, or a temple where you have found a new home. While near your temple, you can call upon the priests for assistance, provided the assistance you ask for is not hazardous and you remain in good standing with your temple.
Half-Aarakocra Flight
Typically, you would have a flying speed of 20 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor. Though, your wings are vestigial and therefore you cannot fly.
Half-Aarakocra Perceptive
You have proficiency in the Insight skill.
Cleric Turn Undead
Each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
Cleric Destroy Undead
When an undead of CR 1/2 or lower fails its saving throw against your Turn Undead feature, the creature is instantly destroyed.
Order Domain Voice of Authority
If you cast a spell with a spell slot of 1st level or higher and target an ally with the spell, that ally can use their reaction immediately after the spell to make one weapon attack against a creature of your choice that you can see. If the spell targets more than one ally, you choose the ally who can make the attack.
Order Domain Order’s Demand
You present your holy symbol, and each creature of your choice that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until the end of your next turn or until the charmed creature takes any damage. You can also cause any of the charmed creatures to drop what they are holding when they fail the saving throw.



Spare the Dying


Toll the Dead

Sacred Flame

Level 1 Spells

Heroism (Always Prepared)

Command (Always Prepared)

Inflict Wounds

Guiding Bolt

Level 2 Spells

Zone of Truth (Always Prepared)

Hold Person (Always Prepared)

Calm Emotions

Level 3 Spells

Slow (Always Prepared)

Mass Healing Word (Always Prepared)

Meld into Stone

Spirit Guardians

Positive Traits

  • Proud
  • Happy
  • Friendly

Negative Traits

  • Pushover
  • Oblivious
  • Blunt

Personality goes here


  • Poetry
  • Most things
  • Gods


  • The Underdark
  • Adultery
  • Heights




Derea and their sister Amber began searching for their father, ending up in the town Sono. They met up with Eight-Tail the kitsune in a restaurant, who had information on their father. Eight-Tail claimed he was in the Underdark and said the best way to get in was to negotiate with the Bitterstone Clan. Eight-Tail leaves them both with the bill, the two nearly get caught in a strange terf war, and they both go rent a boat to make their way to Den'Fay. A few shenanigans involving blue hot sauce giving Amber a permanent blue left eye and Derea smelling like fresh baked bread, them meeting a foot tall man who gives them adventuring gear and a crate to give the Bitterstone Clan, and some… strange black market dealer, they head off to said clan to get their way into the Underdark.

They inform the leader of the clan about the crate and get in, making a deal that the Bitterstone Clan would allow them into the Underdark if they killed 5 people while they were doing their business down there. They agree and navigate through the Underdark. A few more random events happen, including a Purple Worm eating a church and Amber getting a Staff of the Python, the ceiling nearly falling on them while they slept, and a flood of dark mold on night 4 that they had to avoid, they found a small city(?) with people getting around on spider mounts. They climbed up spider silk ladders to get onto the building, Amber used disguise self to appear as a Drider with Derea scouting under her, they found "Sue", their father, in a blue cloak holding a lion statue. They follow him, where he goes into a stone house and Derea uses meld into stone to unlock his front door and get in with Amber. They talk, an argument starts and initiative is rolled. Sue summons a lion with the statue, to which Amber and Derea use spells against it before getting to him. Amber goes down and with her insistence, Derea begrudgingly kills Sue as he's deafened from a thunder wave. The two, presumably, kill the 5 people they were told to before exiting. Or they stay in the Underdark. Who knows, really?

Friends, enemies, and everything in-between

Half-Sibling; Good terms
At first, Derea was... off put by Amber and how violent she was. It wasn't really something they had seen much of, having first been secluded for most of their life, to see such violence was weird. They started to like her more and more though, having seen what they would claim to be "the good side". They don't say that in a rude way of course.

Father; ...
Derea is uncomfortable around Sue. They don't like what he's done, that being having constant one night stands with anything that allowed it, but they didn't feel like it was right to kill him… it's complicated.

Mother; Good terms
Derea was confused by why their mother was so standoffish when they were first born, though they have come to realize it was all for a reason. Derea wants to be closer to their mother but they mainly communicate through back and forth letters now. Urria has promised to visit the church Derea currently lives in, which they hope she'll fulfil.