Mizar Valor



3 years, 3 months ago


  • Profile
  • Name Mizar Valor
  • Age 15
  • Gender Male
  • Allegiance Heroes
  • Height 5'2"
  • Weight 110 lbs
  • Status Alive
  • Extra
  • Title NA
  • Occupation Student
  • Element Water
  • Weapon NA
  • Residency Aquarine City
"... You want some sweets?"

A child that is staying under Ali since his parents' death. He's training to become a hero just like his father, despite his uncle's loud protests in the beginning, and is now studying in a school under the Forget-me-Not Faction. Although his communication skills is lacking and needs a lot of work, his abilities are on par with a veteran's already.


Very quiet and is not one to initiate a conversation. Mizar is a shy child, always sticking close to the people he knows as much as possible, and alongside to his usual neutral face, he comes across as unapproachable to other students. Despite the not really great reputation, he doesn't mind what they think of him. He does have a circle of friends, whom he's very loyal to and will do anything for them.

He rarely smiles, and if he does, it's usually around his uncle.



  • Uncle Ali
  • His Family
  • Family's Friends
  • Sweets
  • Training

  • Group Activities
  • Bitter Foods
  • Crowds
  • Misconceptions
  • Rivalries


  • Has a habit of wearing oversized jacket with multiple hidden pockets where he hides his sweets.
  • Never goes all out during trainings in schools as he's been instructed to not his abilities as much as possible, which is why he relies on equipments for most of the time.
  • If trying to repay him for his help, cakes are always the best payment.







Water Manipulation

The only ability he shows in school. Can easily control any body of water and shape it to his own liking. Mizar needs to touch the water directly before he can control it, which is why he always carry a special bottle of water that he can use as a weapon.

King of the Sea

An ability unique to the Valor family. As the name suggests, they have a strong control over the sea area and its creatures that obeys their commands. They don't need to be close to the body of water to use it as the closest ones will be the one to respond, and the order isn't required to be verbalized.

The ability also allows them to understand sea creatures, mimic some of their features, like fins and gills, as well as allows them to breathe underwater. The extent of the abilities are still unknown, but there had been a family record that they can sink a city in the middle of land in water.

Time Reset

Gabriel's ability that Mizar had inherited. Allows him to turn back an object, area or person's time within 12 hours. Using the ability to turn back time for more than two hours and in a large scope takes a heavy toll on the user's body, that they normally get sick in the next day.

As it turns back the target's time, the ability is capable of healing and reviving someone. They can't use it on theirselves however.


An ability everyone from the line of original heroes have. They can fly without the use of an equipment.

Enhanced Gloves

Mizar's main choice of weapon. Though it simply appears like a dark fingerless gloves, it boosts the damage output of his punches to his targets. Can add an electric element to the weapon to stun the enemy.

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Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer turpis ex, imperdiet nec eros eget, luctus commodo metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum aliquam purus in sodales luctus. Fusce ac egestas justo. Aenean luctus dolor ut urna ullamcorper, non varius ligula commodo. Maecenas eget volutpat elit. Vestibulum at tortor vitae enim laoreet sagittis quis pellentesque magna. Pellentesque et sem ac massa accumsan pellentesque. Etiam finibus turpis felis, et finibus mauris elementum id. Donec nec consequat libero. Integer a elit gravida, malesuada elit ac, porttitor enim. Aliquam non tortor sapien. Nulla facilisi. Nam tristique in velit non finibus. Nunc tincidunt libero mauris, at pulvinar eros dictum nec. Phasellus quis enim est. Maecenas vulputate venenatis erat et facilisis. Fusce tempor purus.


Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer turpis ex, imperdiet nec eros eget, luctus commodo metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum aliquam purus in sodales luctus. Fusce ac egestas justo. Aenean luctus dolor ut urna ullamcorper, non varius ligula commodo. Maecenas eget volutpat elit. Vestibulum at tortor vitae enim laoreet sagittis quis pellentesque magna. Pellentesque et sem ac massa accumsan pellentesque. Etiam finibus turpis felis, et finibus mauris elementum id. Donec nec consequat libero. Integer a elit gravida, malesuada elit ac, porttitor enim. Aliquam non tortor sapien. Nulla facilisi. Nam tristique in velit non finibus. Nunc tincidunt libero mauris, at pulvinar eros dictum nec. Phasellus quis enim est. Maecenas vulputate venenatis erat et facilisis. Fusce tempor purus.


Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer turpis ex, imperdiet nec eros eget, luctus commodo metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum aliquam purus in sodales luctus. Fusce ac egestas justo. Aenean luctus dolor ut urna ullamcorper, non varius ligula commodo. Maecenas eget volutpat elit. Vestibulum at tortor vitae enim laoreet sagittis quis pellentesque magna. Pellentesque et sem ac massa accumsan pellentesque. Etiam finibus turpis felis, et finibus mauris elementum id. Donec nec consequat libero. Integer a elit gravida, malesuada elit ac, porttitor enim. Aliquam non tortor sapien. Nulla facilisi. Nam tristique in velit non finibus. Nunc tincidunt libero mauris, at pulvinar eros dictum nec. Phasellus quis enim est. Maecenas vulputate venenatis erat et facilisis. Fusce tempor purus.

Ali Valor


His father's cousin that's currently taking care of him. Though he views him as a father figure, he never refers to him as such. Very close to him.

Gabrielle Valor


Though his father died while he was young, Mizar is still able to clearly remember the discussion or talks the two had. His father's personality seems to have rubbed off on him, and he misses him from time to time, alongside his mother.

Marielle Valor


Compared to his father, Mizar was able to spend more time with his mother and the last moment he had was her trying to protect him from something. Mizar was aware of what had happened to her, but still misses her and wishes that there was a different option for her to live.

Serena Patience

-family friend-

Usually the one taking care of him whenever Ali's out and can't go back home, which is pretty rare. He likes it whenever she tells a story.

Emmet Chase

-family friend-

One of their home's common visitor, asking some stuff to his uncle. He somewhat relates to the man for being also shy and fidgety sometimes, as he had observed. If there's something about his uncle that he doesn't know, as the man rarely gives a straight answer, Mizar would go to Emmet next and learn more about him.