


3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Citrus

Series: Tomato and Friends

Age: Exact age unknown, but somewhere between 13-17

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Red Fox

Favorite Food: Spaghetti

Likes: Beaches, warm sunny weather, and seeing new places/things.

Dislikes: Dirty things, poor service, and rainy weather.

Personality:  Citrus grew up in a rich family and thus became a bit spoiled. She's snooty and vain, and initially looks down on those she perceives as "commoners". However, after meeting Tomato and friends, Citrus has become a bit kinder and discovered her love of adventure and the value of friendship.

Home: The Tropics

History: Citrus grew up in a rich family in a tropical climate where she always got what she wanted when she wanted it. One day, Tomato, Marshmallow,  and Pash traveled by her home, and she became interested in the adventures the trio spoke of. Without any second thoughts, Citrus left her pampered life to go on adventures with her friends.

Current Bio: Citrus currently goes on adventures with Tomato, Marshmallow, and Pash. Sometimes she complains about things not being up to her standards, but she otherwise enjoys the groups adventures.

Meta-History:  Citrus was originally a doodle that I posted to my Deviantart scraps. I liked the design enough to make her a character. I originally wanted her to be a boy, but I changed my mind early on.

Relationships with other characters:

Tomato:  Citrus is intrigued by Tomato's carefree and adventurous nature, so much so that she decided to ditch her rich lifestyle to see the world.

Marshmallow: Citrus clashes with Marshmallow a bit, but the two are good friends.

Pash: Citrus adores Pash and is nicer to her than the others.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!