ocean burst's Comments


ANyone in my Th + 2 scenes

2 shaded halfbodies?

No thanks

If I add an unshaded loop animation to that is it a deal?

no thank you, I am a bit picky when it comes to art trades sorry!

What WOULD you take

usd, mainly.

2 Replies

does anyone in my th interest you? (ones in the character folder are tent)

No, sorry!

anyone in my TH at all? Conner scout and Jaxon Are offlimits

hmm no sorry!

I can give a ggrubmutt design? I can give add ons for more characters

Ive never heard of them, I'd have to see it?

In my .04 folder, theres a TBN lion with a crown!

ah. sorry, he didn't catch my eye!