
7 years, 15 days ago

Basic Info


Princess Ilona










Ilona has a very bright, cheery, and energetic personality by nature. Growing up has mellowed her out a little bit, but her calmer behavior is mostly due to her own self-control and wishing to act like a more mature young woman such as her mother was. She has a heart of gold like both of her parents before her, and wishes to aid her comrades as best she can. She especially cares for those who feel alone and struggle with any inner turmoil, as she felt this way growing up when she couldn't control her power.


Sunlight, the color yellow, sunflowers, comic books, glasses, heros, swordsmen, writing in her journal, writing letters.


Darkness, solitude, loneliness.


Note: Ilona is a character canon to the Murder Series Universe on


Short Bio

She is the daughter of Queen Elsa of Arendelle and Solaire of Astora who met during Murder I: The Ties That Bind. Ilona is the second child of the couple, their first having died due to a miscarriage at the beginning of Murder III: Silent Hill. From a young age she had the bright personality of her father and the grace of her mother, yet also began to show signs of having an ability neither of her parents possessed: teleportation.

Unable to control this power, Ilona would find herself teleported to random locations throughout the multiverse and was often unable to return home. She spent most of her childhood like this, unable to live the easy life of a princess, but instead the life of a survivor constantly struggling to adapt to every new world she was thrust into.

As an young adult, Ilona now has better control over her ability, but still struggles with it when she is afraid or scared. Deep down, she fears she will entirely lose control of her power and end up lost forever. Eventually, she finds herself brought under the care of the Coalition.



Sword skills: After years of practicing with a blade (and having been inspired by her good 'ol friend Minato), Ilona has become well versed with using a blade.

Teleportation: Ilona has the ability to teleport, which she has also gained more control over after years of practice. She can teleport herself at will and often uses this ability to dodge attacks or quickly move behind an enemy. She can also teleport objects to or away from herself. Of course, this power will be nerfed/controlled so she doesn't get out of hand with it. ;)

Lightning Miracles: Due to being a member of the Warrior of Sunlight covenant, like her father, she has the power to use lightning based skills such as lightning spears that are long-ranged attacks.