
7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Nikomedes Megalos








November 21st


Pansexual // Panromantic (slight preference towards male/masculinity)

School Year:

3rd Year College


Art and Literature


Character for Ajisai Academy on deviantArt


Dream Job: none, he wants a sugar daddy Freelance Comic Artist, maaaybe a model on the side
Club: Art/Photography and Film

Personality: +Friendly | +Laid-back | +Adaptable | +Perceptive | =Sarcastic | =Stubborn | -Impulsive | -Indecisive | -Procrastinator | -Careless

Niko grew up in a pretty ordinary setting. Two moms, only child. Lived in Driftveil City, Unova. His parents spoiled him when he was little, and he was able to travel a lot with them. It probably helped that he was fairly adaptable, and never complained much. He got along with other kids well, but he was never really one to stick to a group for too long. He was encouraged to try a lot of things, in school and out. He dabbled in sports and clubs, never taking them too seriously. His grades were always great, but he got bored pretty quickly.
He discovered his passion for writing first. Art quickly followed. His moms were absolutely ecstatic about him finding something to do that he actually liked, and encouraged him to go strong. So he did. He was awful at first, as most people are when they learn new things. But of course, his persistence paid off. He discussed with his moms about going to a better school for high school, and ended up in a prestigous academy in Castelia City, Unova. There he joined both the art club and the slam poetry team. In high school, he was able to join both the art club and the slam poetry team. Though Niko certainly wasn't the best, he was still improving. Eventually, he managed to get the courage to post his works online. His many friends at school all supported him, as did his mothers, but he was still quite nervous. It took time for him to get noticed online, and it was mostly fanworks that had gotten the ball rolling instead of his original stuff. This made him a little bitter, but he knew his hard work would pay off. At least he hoped so. So he continued on in high school, strategically balancing his grades along with his art and writing.
He finished high school with one of the highest GPA's in his class. He was able to snag quite a few scholarships to help pay for college, and would be getting them no matter where he decided to go. For his first two years of college, he went to a highly rated university in Jubilife City, Sinnoh. The poor guy got fed up with the weather in Sinnoh pretty quickly, since he was used to dealing with a season of cold, not a whole year of it. Despite liking the school itself, he decided to transfer his credits to another school. That school was Ajisai Academy in Goldenrod City, Johto. He started his third year of college there, and easily became enamored with the school. After settling in a little and getting used to the change, Niko joined the Art club. He's hoping to make good friends here and get noticed for his works.

    + Drawing
    + Writing
    + Fashion
    + People watching
    + Exploring(whether it be urban exploring or the middle of nowhere)
    + Running his weird aesthetic blog(you know the ones, where someone fills a bathtub with colored water and CDs because aesthetic)
    + Dry heat
    + Socializing

    - Trying to find cute clothes that accommodate his wings and also don't clash with his bright feathers
    - People touching his wings without asking
    - Coffee(or anything that tastes bitter)
    - Bad smells
    - Being alone
    - Being ignored
    - Sweating
    - Rude people



  • Has a phenomenal memory, and can easily recall the majority of his life
  • His mothers are his number one fans, and they often make clothes for him because he's a very picky bird thing
  • Would sell his soul for a bag of chips, probably
  • He is 5'9 // 175cm and super skinny
  • Often enjoys wearing feminine clothing
  • Has quite a few piercings and tattoos, the markings on his face are in fact permanent (21 piercings, 8 tattoos, have fun guessing where the hidden ones are)
  • Nail colors are yellow-blue-red-blue-yellow