
7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Ylli Andromeda








July 20th


Pansexual // Panromantic

School Year:

1st Year College




Character for Ajisai Academy on deviantArt
Dream Job: Genetic Engineer
Club: Theatre

Personality: +Optimistic | +Intelligent | +Hardworking | +Observant | =Overwhelming | =Competitive | -Self-Indulgent | -Naive | -Forgetful | -Oblivious


Ylli was adopted by a well-off couple when he was about 2 years old. His origins were never clear, however he never seemed bothered by the fact. It wasn't that difficult for him to get accustomed to his adoptive parents, a furfrou mother and a delphox father. His parents had moved to Mossdeep City, Hoenn from Anistar City, Kalos for work reasons. Even though Ylli's parents were often busy in work, he entertained himself by venturing into their lab or work spaces and looking at maps of the stars. From a young age the boy was interested in science, much to his parent's glee. He even excelled at school, and was surprisingly a happy kid.
It seemed all too quickly that Ylli was growing up, his interests often changing but never straying too far from science. He loved to play sports with other kids and really enjoyed running. He would have remained in track and cross country if not for a weekend vacation he took with his family. The three went to Lilycove city to see a play. Ylli was twelve years old at the time, and when the play finished he pointed to the stage and said "I want to be up there." This absolutely baffled his parents, as the kid had never taken any interest in the arts before. He had never even liked to sit and watch movies. They figured it would be a phase and encouraged him the best they could.
For high school, Ylli was accepted to a college prep boarding school that specialized in science in Lumiose City, Kalos, where both of his parents had gone. He was pretty happy to experience a new place with new people. The technology there was wonderous, and even though the resources were plentiful, Ylli really missed seeing a clear night sky. To take his mind off things, he often took parts in local plays to busy himself, and if he still had time to kill he would hike away from the city to try and get a chance to see a clear night sky. Throughout high school, he kept his grades up high and didn't really struggle much at all. Science and school came easy to him for the most part. Upon graduation. he announced to his parents that he had applied for a prestigous academy in Johto and was accepted. It surprised his parents, as they both assumed he would continue on to the college that they both had gone to.
Ylli was happy for a change of scenery. Goldenrod City was huge, but much much smaller than Lumiose City. The air seemed fresher, and this only helped him get excited to start at Ajisai Academy. Once he settled in, he immidiately set out to join the theatre club. He's pretty happy with the change of pace, and is also happy with his peers. However, he has yet to make any close friends, he really hopes to soon!
    + Theories and cryptids
    + Amusement parks
    + Space and stargazing
    + Science (genetics and astronomy are his favorites)
    + Acting
    + Running
    + Chocolate milk
    + Sci-fi

    - Paranormal stuff
    - Horror films
    - Being startled
    - History
    - Being made fun of (especially for his ridiculous beliefs)
    - Excessive use of electronics (he claims it gives him headaches)
    - Loud music
    - Cloudy days
  • He's a pretty big guy, being 6'5 // 196 cm and 194 lbs // 42.6 kg
  • Ylli is 100% sure he's an alien, no one has ever been able to convince him otherwise.
  • He often gives off a very overwhelming vibe from both his size and his energy. Strangers tend to be intimidated by his presence, much to his dismay.
  • Has a few cool space related tattoos, he's afraid to show people them however.
  • Good luck trying to catch him without his signature necklace / headband combo.
  • Wishes he was shorter.
  • It's very easy to get him riled up and excited, he often gets in trouble for being too loud because something made him happy.
  • He jumps back from injuries alarmingly quickly. He's not sure why but if asked about it he'll reply that "having a bright outlook helps!"