
3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Pemewope Buzzfuzz






Grumpus (horned)








An entomologist that grew up in New Grump City. Her experience with bugs, is what caused Liz to ask Pemmy to come to Snaktooth island with her and the others. 

She's a fairly tired-sounding, relatively laid back Grumpus that simply enjoys working with insects, and will happily inform anyone within an earshot about her favorite bugs. She's practically a walking encyclopedia for them.
She can be pretty tough, though, and is no-nonsense when it comes to aggressive snax.

Pemmy discovered a new species of insect, however when she was studying the creature, it passed away. She preserved it immaculately, however when she presented it to others, she was accused of fabricating it. Her name was dragged through the mud, and she never quite recovered from it, getting some dubious stares from co-workers whenever she's on the field. She's haunted by the event to this day, and struggles with getting others to believe her and hates it. If she didn't love bugs SO MUCH, she'd move on to another field. 

While on Snakooth she generally avoided eating Bugsnax until she finished studying each individual species; she had to live off of sauce for a while, as she found it absurd to eat her research before she was finished with it. She's not very much against eating them on the whole, however she discovered that Bugsnax were quite a lot like parasites, causing her to question eating them at all. But when everyone refused to believe her, she gave up entirely and continued eating them anyway, wondering why she believes herself when no one else does. 

Her favorite Bugsnak is the Takroach (with Wee Mewon being a close second), and she doesn't dislike any of the others. Her favorite sauce type is cheese, while she hates ranch.
She gets on well with Floofy, Gramble, Triffany and Filbo, however she HATES Beffica and can't stand being near her due to associating her with the journalists that dragged her name through the mud. She didn't like the Journalist at first either, however she grew to appreciate them, especially after they told they believed in the bug she discovered.