


3 years, 5 months ago






6' 1"


April 5th




Bailey Klein


  • Working late into the night (and watching the movies she pirated...)
  • Possessing, studying, and dismantling every piece of tech she can get her hands on
  • Drinking various energy beverages, but not warm stuff
  • Coffee... why is it so hot and gross, anyway?
  • Leaving her basement, she almost exclusively leaves for the bathroom. If even that.
  • Books, and most reading related shmuck. Data is an exception, but there's really no point in wasting time on fiction.
  • Bailey isn't shy or socially anxious, but she doesn't know how to interact with people.
  • She mostly focuses on common interests or connections in subjects relating to technology.
  • She's extremely fast in any tasks she does, coding or not.
  • She typically styles her front bangs, but they are somewhat choppy when not tampered with. In the back, her hair is cut fairly short.
  • Her unique pair of bug-like arms is the result of her father being a mantis and her mother being a cat. The limbs are fully functional, but are not practical for much else than typing.
  • Her horn on the other hand is a mystery. There is a possibility it came from her grandfather, a unicorn.
  • Bailey is actually a big fan of fashion, especially flashy boots and bows. Her fashion sense in shirts leads on the 'men's formalwear' side.

No problemo, I'm on it, dude.

Bailey has been invested in technology as long as she can remember. More specifically, hacking. Having grown up with the uprise of flashy new computers, (and having grown up with rich parents,) she got just about any new equipment she could imagine. Of course, this also meant she spent nearly all of her time coding and navigating complex interfaces. By 17, she was a computer nerd prodigy, and even won a scholarship for her skills. Rather than pursuing academics, however, she chose to live a solitary life in her own basement... well, not quite solitary; she still let her boyfriend Lee stay with her.

Although she doesn't realize it, her childhood was quite sad. She had little to complain about with the gifts she was showered with, but the truth is, it was just a way for her parents to get her off their back and not feel inclined to bond with her. This was one of the reasons she became such a hermit as an adult. Lee is really the only one who can get her to interact with anyone.



Lee is Bailey's beloved boyfriend of 7 months. Considering how she sits in front of the computer all day, she's kind of dependant on Lee to keep their place clean and make sure she doesn't pass out at her desk. However, he doesn't mind this job and still has plenty of time to hang out with his pals.

Bailey gives Lee her affection when he can, even if she is a bit foreign with social gestures. In any case, he finds it endearing.



Ever since Faygo's virus has become prevalent, Bailey has been the only one he can confide in to investigate it. Through careful observation and analyzation, she has concluded with confidence that his problems were caused by a malicious source.

She also can't help but be suspicious about what happens during Faygo's memory gaps. With several recent murders and the nature of the virus, she sometimes wonders if she's working with a secret outlaw.



From what Bailey can collect, a corrupt religious hacker named "Jakito" is the one who planted the virus in Faygo's mind. Beyond that, she hasn't yet managed to crack much about his identity or even first name.

Bailey is more fascinated than anything in Jakito's hacking skills, much to the frustration of Faygo. Sometimes it doesn't feel like she's taking the situation seriously enough.