dusk's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

bunnyblasts Global Rules

i cannot realistically enforce these, nor do i think it's my place to, so these are less "terms of service" and more my preferences when it comes to these topics. if you respect them, i appreciate it, if not, i won't "revoke" the design or anything like that.

i prefer my designs not being sold for more than they were bought for if there isn't additional art. 

i also prefer my designs not be turned into closed species concepts. if a design i make inspires you to make something similar, that's whatever, but i don't really like the idea of buying a design from me and 1:1 keeping it as is and making it the basis of a closed species. 

converting my designs into closed species designs is fine, but i'd appreciate it if the cs version not be traded around separately from the original.