
3 years, 5 months ago


Basic Stats

29 (380)
Perfectas Nothus (Noxicus x Umbratten)

Zee's Bio


The demon stands at 6' 1'' and boasts a lithe silhouette with short, unkempt black hair. Due to his demonic lineage, the male has: neon blue hues, pointed teeth in excess, a glasgow grin of a maw, claws, and skin tinted a light gray with the colors darker charcoal on his extremities. When the demon bleeds, his blood is a vibrant cerulean. He otherwise has average features of no distinguishable nature, with a brow that is typically furrowed and a frown that creases his lips. The male rarely smiles or laughs, and is often impassive when it comes to expressing emotions across his visage.

Zee's fashion motto is always: all black, everything. This is meant to better help him keep to the shadows and hide as appropriate, and often consists of large hoods and even gloves -- anything to better mask him amidst the darkness. The clothes are typically easy to move in, and are well-kept.


Not much brings the nothus joy outside of taking on apex predators and hunting the big game in their new world: the members of Reveton and the CDC. Zee can be rather single-minded in his constant quest to eradicate the hunters, with his main priority each day being either scoping out his prey, stalking it, or taking it on in combat. He's keen on taking out smaller prey as well -- not adverse to handling other creatures that cross his path and actually manage to piss him off. An overall aggressive demon beneath it all, the male thrills in the pursuit of prey, whether that be for feeding purposes or simply to kill.

When someone has the chance to genuinely interact with and talk to the demon, they'll find that he's oftentimes calm and collected to the point where very little riles him up. He isn't quick to fly into a temper, despite his aggressive nature -- instead, it shows itself as a cool demeanor, one which exudes the air that Zee knows he's better than most. This isn't something he lords over others, unless he deems it necessary to put someone into their place. He isn't above utilizing his powers and skills to knock someone down a peg if he considers it a worthy endeavor.

The nothus is primarily someone who keeps to himself, preferring to not bother with people unless they serve a purpose to him. He isn't one to be seen chatting up someone or spending additional time with them for the sake of indulging in contact. Instead, he believes wholeheartedly that his time is worth more than what most can provide, and that there are far better ways to be spending it than getting to know someone.

Notes & Details

Double-Dipping: As a blend of noxicus and umbratten, the demon gets the perks and weaknesses of both demon types. He primarily hunts by utilizing the shadows around him to move and hide, often attacking individuals to cause extreme hallucinations which he then feeds off of through drinking their blood or through non-tactile means. Despite being two breeds, the male's only real weakness is, to a certain extent, exposure to strong sources of light.

Feasting on Fear: The noxicus side of this nothus allows Zee to cause vivid hallucinations that elicit an adrenal response of pure fear in individuals who experience it. This is done through an ambient field, and while Zee has no idea what his hallucinations are for certain people, they are tailored per person to extract fear at an optimal level.

Best Served Cold: After the exorcism attempted on him, the demon grew vengeful against any and all who would perform such actions against demons in the first place. His main target is primarily Reveton hunters -- often interrupting their communications to out who works for them so that he can further stalk and hunt them. It is not uncommon for him to interrupt a hunt or set up a false lure to better grant him access to their elusive, solitary members. He has also been known to attack CDC officers, although rarely.

Full Arsenal: The nothus is skilled in a wide multitude of weapons, but prefers sniper rifles and ranged weapons in lieu of confrontational, near-distance options. When it comes down to it, he can hold his own in hand-to-hand combat or utilize simple melee weapons, but is best from a distance large enough to require a scope.

Nocturnal: Because of the demon's preference for shadows and darkness, Zee opts to sleep during the day and do most of his hunting and other activities during the evening hours when it is safer for him to do so.

Soloist: Zee prefers to work alone in most of his operations and doesn't believe in factions and their structured line of work -- instead choosing to operate as his own entity free of any rules, regulations, or other stipulations. This also means that if he ever gets into trouble, he is completely on his own; however, it also means that all of the spoils go to him and him alone.

Paycheck: As his primary source of income, Zee finds credits operating as an escort for goods and services that may need additional protection while in transit. Blood whores, drugs, slaves, weapons -- anything and everything that needs transporting, the nothus will charge a solid fee and make sure said goods arrive at their destination in a timely and safe manner. Drugs are his preferred method of earning credits, however, as they are easy enough to hide in a bag on his body and slip amidst the shadows with. Living beings are a bit more of a challenge, but one the demon is ready to accept as a means of finding another minor thrill in the danger of it all.

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