Indigo Marx



3 years, 4 months ago


Indigo Marx

Name: Indigo Marx

Age: 19

Gender: girl

Height: 5'7"

a: a

Species: Shiny Absol

Birthday: April 8th

Pronouns: She/Her

Weight: 122 lbs

a: a


Knowing Indigo and KNOWING Indigo are two completely different things, at first blush she is often impatient & rude (she absolutely doesn't tolerate what she thinks is 'stupid'). She is controlled, bossy, emotionally flat, and when she appears relaxed it is more often because she is tired. She is frequently tired.

The initial breakdown of her character comes with time, as her passion is limited to few things. When she becomes interested in friendships with someone, she is quick to act buddy-buddy and keep them close. When they're well-rested and comfortable around people, their demenour is much more cheerful, and even quite silly, and they will invent a dance routine specifically to bewilder or enchant you.

  • Hats
  • Modern Dance
  • Coffee
  • Indy Games
  • Loud talkers
  • Eating
  • Roundabouts
  • Home renovations



Sign: Aries

Enneagram: 8w7

Alignment: Neutral

  • Has emotional synesthesia
  • Always cold
  • She has a flower tattoo on her chest and finger


  • Modern Dance
  • Yoga & Running
  • Knife Throwing
  • Crafting Chainmail

Family Info


Indigo lives with her parents (Henry and Celia) and 3 of her 4 siblings in a large family home outside of town, where theres enough outdoor space for her parent Henry's sled team. There are MANY pets in this family, though they mostly stay outside as per Celia's request. They are a middle-class family. Her siblings are named ?, Acacia, Holly, and Peanut.

  • She is born a triplet, her siblings being Acacia and Holly.
  • She collects small ceramic animals with dainty details
  • Performs her own modern dance only for people she likes
  • she has diagnosed ocd



Indigo has faith in her methods. Keeping to schedules, being well organized, and demonizing procrastination. She takes a certain amount of enjoyment out of creating plans and keeping herself working towards her goals. Of course, this also creates a lot of pressure….so long as everything is going to plan, and she can perform to her own high expectations, in theory, it should be a good thing. Her love or organizing extends to her family and friends and if you have a goal and enlist her, she is sure to be an active participant, and maybe even a little overbearing.


For those under the umbrella of her time and care, Indigo is somewhat of a mama bear. She is forthright in her communications with anyone she perceives as a threat to her family and friends, and is not beyond petty bullying. Though she won’t usually press for a fight, she won’t back down in defence of another, despite that she is physically unintimidating, her unflinching composure can create a certain amount of discomfort. It’s not that she isn’t afraid, sometimes she is, she is simply hard to read.


Seldom do Indigo’s emotions become easily perceived, unless she communicates direction what she’s feeling it can be hard to tell beyond subtleties. If she is more animated, it is by choice and not her nature, and can even create problems when she feels intensely and can’t find a way to express it. Her sense of humour is dry and comes across as cold and aloof as the rest of her communications, at first it is difficult to tell if she’s making fun of you or telling a joke, and really, it may very well be both.


Despite the fact she doesn’t easily show it, you may notice the tension she carries in her shoulders or pay more attention to the critical comments slip out when those around her are stressing her. Indigo spends a lot of time in her head worrying about things, many things, and the negativity leaks out in a general exasperation with the universe and everyone in it.


Troubling thoughts keep her mind on things things that she often would prefer to ignore, and sometimes she communicates them through her dry humour, saying things that might walk the line of appropriate. We’re all going to die someday, what does it matter! Sometimes, she’s just bluntly saying how she sees things or the absolute worse case scenario she can think of in a given situation. It is not entirely helpful.


Frequently exhausted due to her insomnia, and already having a low threshold for tolerating others, Indigo struggles to maintain patience with nonsense, excitable or loud pokemon, toxic positivity and the like. When her fuse has run out, her explosion is usually some form of verbal bullying. This isn’t something she’s proud of and if she cares at all about someone she talks to them afterwords.. but if not, she avoids it completely and pretends it didn’t happen.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nibh ligula, viverra id felis tempus, lacinia dapibus ante. Cras venenatis posuere nisl at consequat. Proin fermentum est odio. Etiam mattis id odio ut feugiat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed vehicula at sapien ac bibendum. In enim leo, mattis vestibulum sodales at, consequat vitae magna.


Nam tincidunt enim sapien, vitae efficitur diam venenatis in. Sed facilisis sed dolor nec iaculis. Duis neque eros, congue id ipsum ac, ornare elementum justo. Donec at arcu venenatis, tempor magna eget, feugiat purus. Morbi tincidunt ut sem vitae molestie. Proin sit amet blandit eros. Nullam id elementum arcu. Donec placerat, velit eu aliquam tincidunt, ipsum mauris sodales metus, et semper eros elit in orci. Pellentesque vitae metus massa. Aliquam at pulvinar lorem.


Vestibulum et diam metus. Quisque molestie ipsum quis urna dapibus, eget pellentesque metus tincidunt. Quisque eleifend lorem nec risus volutpat tristique. Integer et arcu dui. Nunc ac justo eget purus viverra malesuada. Maecenas gravida risus enim, non sagittis neque fermentum a. Nam auctor justo quam. Suspendisse orci magna, commodo vitae tincidunt dignissim, convallis tincidunt justo.


Holly Marx

[ Sibling ]



Acacia Marx

[ Sibling ]




[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.