
3 years, 5 months ago


Chacoan Peccary, Fernandina Tortoise, Barn Swallow, Tree Swallow, White Dove, Dodo, Great Auk, Quagga, Thylacine, Takahe, Zebra Duiker, Caspian Horse

Sex: Female

Age: 20 years old

Produced 2 kits (1 male, 1 female)

Female kit is albino, male is leucistic. This genes run in Isle's family. Her mother was leucistic, and her paternal grandfather was albino. Both albinism and leucism are rare, but especially rare for males. Funnily enough this rare trait is more attractive to females even though the colorful appearance of the males was evolved for the purpose of attracting females.

Species: Daemonium Marsupium (Demon with a Pouch)

Length: 5'8''

Height: 5'11''

Weight: 1063lbs

Speed: 59mph

Strength: Can carry or move things up to 1000lbs (half a ton)

Females normally live in herds with 4-20 other females, usually all of them related (mothers, daughters ,cousins, nieces, grandmothers, ect). Isle comes from an especially big herd that actually has 21 members. Herds will come together to form larger herds a few weeks before giving birth, but they only stay together until their babies leave the pouch. Females and kits (babies) are usually duller or darker colors (browns, greys, blacks, etc). They also don't have the blue feathered crests on their backs. They have pouches which the babies stay in for a few months. These young are altricial, which is why they are quickly moved to the protective pouch where they will continue development. Females are more aggressive than males even though they are a little smaller than males. Females have bright colors on their tails for the kits to see (so they don't lose track of their mothers). The females' pouch looks like a spiked tortoise shell on its outside. It can expand to accommodate the kit and its growth. The mother produces a nutritious milk-like substance. It is thicker than milk, and better tasting than goat's milk. Daemonium Marsupiums will eat anything and everything: fruit, meat, bugs, grass, leaves, tree bark, etc. They can even eat things that would kill most other things such as poisonous plants and animals. They usually are found in hot and/or humid climates. One skill of theirs is the ability to mimic noises. Their natural sound begins with a chirping sound similar to that of a swallow which rises into a chilling noise often likened to a wolf howl mixed with a human scream. Males are called Bulls or Rams while females are called Cows or Does, and babies are called Kits or calves.

Females fight each other to establish their hierarchy in the herd, but they rarely severely injure their herd mates. Its only when they come into contact with outside females that fights can turn deadly.

Go check the artist out!

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