


7 years, 8 days ago


"Sean's story for this grem is that his name is Pietro/"Peetie" and he use to work for a curiosity shop run by this old man who adoooored him!

Initially, the shop was named "Robinson and Sons" because it was always the father's intention to have his sons take over the business. But during his final years, he renamed it to "Robinson and Grem" because Peetie was a much harder worker with more incentive and drive than any of his deadbeat sons lmfao But, when Robinson passed away, Peetie of course didn't have much say over how assets were to be divided.

He stole the land deed and fled town before the family had time to turn their attention to him and determine his future. Now, he wanders around selling garbage at a high price lmfao. He's basically...kind of a conman but nooooot quite. He just--overstates the usefulness and historical value of his wares. He meets Transient after a disgruntled customer trying to get a refund for a broken piece of equipment starts to get violent--and Ansi offers to buy their useless trinket off them in exchange for some piece and quiet. They accept the offer and leave--and Peetie has stuck with her ever since. Because she's tol and intimidating, and he can hide behind her (he's only like--5 feet--if that haaha)"