


3 years, 5 months ago


His full name is Solomon Tru Snowscale of the Northern Black Pines
Everyone, ofc, just calls him Solomon. 'Sully' is not allowed. 
Dragon, Tall like 7'10"ish, 140-ish years

Originally a monster hunter and slayer, Solomon put the sword away to join a life of peace among animals, especially the large fantastical beasts he had come to respect. Now he fights for their protection and breeds especially rare beasties. He is critical of the new fantasy pet trade and adopts many odd critters hoping to give them a better quality of life. Osika totally indulges this, for she is drawn to the magical as well, and helps him fund his many pet projects. 

He has 0 interest really in horses, dogs, and other 'normal' animals, but the other staff often bug him and get him to help out in other areas of the farm. He is rather formal but aloof, even cold, but will feel honor bound to help anyways. He is curious of the dinosaurs but the dino handlers have all denied him the permission to breed them with his monsters, oh well...

Solomon is of a sapient humanoid dragon species, his tribe native to a mountain range and forest known as the Northern Black Pines. It is unknown if he can take on a more traditional dragon form. As a hunter he has always opted for a sword, shield, and armor, even when facing other wild dragons.Â