


3 years, 3 months ago


 Whatever It Is That Happened, I Want You To Know... It Wasn't Me!  


Female . 15 . Asexual Demiromantic Lesbian

Elyra is the daughter of Catra & Adora (from the series She-Ra & The Princesses Of Power). She has got cat ears, a tail and some cute freckles on her cheeks which comes from Catra, she also has retractable claws also from Catra, and dirty blonde hair along with blue eyes which came from Adora. She is an only child, though she is very close to Glimmer's and Bow's child who I do not have a name for yet.

She has a great sense of humour and is always making her friends laugh, she also is very witty. She enjoys (play) fighting, and Catra teaches her some fighting skills that she had learnt in the Horde, though Adora is a little bit skeptical about it considering there is really no reason for their daughter to learn how to fight. Elyra can be a bit stubborn and aggressive at times, but she is also a generally optimistic and friendly girl. At some times she can be kind of oblivious and "stupid", but when she concertrates and actually tries she can be quite smart. She will sometimes make these crazy elaborate plans with her friends to do something stupid, and they're often well thought out, though she and her friends always seem to get caught in the act of whatever they are doing (often things like play fighting eachother in attempt to be like their parents).


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Below are some design notes to keep in mind when you are drawing her;

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  • She has 1 set of ears. May seem obvious, but like she only has those cat ears and doesn't have any human ones.
  • Feeeeel free to draw her with some fur like Catra, and feel free not too. Sometimes you can see some furry bits on catra and sometimes you can't, same goes for Elyra.


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code by 00Ishikawa00