Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

[Last Updated Mar. 13, 2024]

Welcome to my profile!! If all if this text is overwhelming, then just focus on the bolded, italicized, underlined, and bigger text! Just try to read those bits, and you should be alright!!

First of all, to explain my favorites folders: 

There’s the resources folder, and it’s inner folders, with all the bases, ribbons, and other F2U junk that I wanna use. “RLLY COOL OCs!! [LOVE THEM!]”, and its inner folders, are for OCs and designs that I like and think are cool! “Rats and Rodents Galore!!<3🐀” are just for rat and rodent-like OCs as I really love rats and rodents!! “SUPER SWAG!! [NOT dreamies.]” and “[not 100%] Dreamies??  🤨” are for designs and OCs that are really really cool to me!! 

No, the “SUPER SWAG!!” folder does NOT have any dreamies, and “Dreamies?? 🤨” isn’t 100% dreamies. Mainly designs that are in the ‘dreamies’ folder are designs I’d love the idea of hypothetically having, alongside the occasional few that could actually somewhat be considered dreamies. I try to not add characters to this folder if their owner(as of me faving or checking) doesn’t like their OCs in dreamie folders. If you want me to move your character out of that folder[ie: “Dreamies?? 🤨”], then please let me know!! I won’t mind doing that at all! ^_^ /srs

IDC if my characters/designs are put into dreamie/wishlist folders! :3 (feel free to even ask me to put you on a ping list for my OCs unless they are forever homed!!)



  • bright colors 
  • Animated images and/or flashing colors!! Feel free to block me if you’re sensitive to fast moving colors!
  • Nudity though it is most often either censored in some way, or just not public[no NSFW or sexual things.]
  • dark or traumatic backstories (vent art/OCs though it’s rare that vent art is public, death both young and old, sexual assault, toxic mindsets/relationships, feelings of insanity, insecurity, and mentally present issues to name a few examples) I do not condone any of the problematic aspects nor actions of my characters. I make it as to explore those topics in a (hopefully) mature way, for storytelling purposes, or as a means of coping. I do not intend on these issues and problems to be glorified.
  • blood and/or gore
  • Body horror(multiple limbs, eyes, heads, and body mutilation. Physically disabled characters do not fall under this. As claiming that as horror is disrespectful.)
  • Religious themes (mainly Christianity as it’s what I believe/know best, angels, talk about a God, etc.) This will be in seperate tabs away from the rest of the character’s things! Individual images with religious themes may not always have a warning, but whole galleries, characters or backstories that involve it will be. 
  • Bugs/bug-like characteristics and [rarely] arachnids
  • Fan OCs and fan art for media like Cookie Run. (I do not condone the problematic actions of any media’s creators, nor problematic aspects of media.)
  • Scary and horror based things, for example involving realistic eyes, staring, jumpscares, or other creepy imagery. (Weirdcore based things may fall under this and shall be warned as ‘weirdcore’/‘creepy imagery’)
**all of the content warned above excluding fan OCs(spoilers for what happens in media are rarely discussed here, but may not be warned.) should all be behind a spoiler/warning, and the content warning icons that I use for character warnings are by Donut-Toast on Toyhouse! [link leads to where the icons are found!] If I don’t have any of these warned topics spoiled like expected, then please let me know!! 
You are 100% free to block me for any of these warned things!


I block people because I don’t want to interact with them, or they just give me an odd vibe due to my paranoia. If you notice that you’ve been blocked by me, it’s probably for one of the two aforementioned reasons. Don’t beg me to unblock you. I’ll unblock on my own accord. Also, if I find out that you’re block evading… uh. Idk you’ll just be blocked again I guess??

Last few things: I often use tone indicators, emoticons, emojis, all caps, and extra punctuation when I type! I do so to better express my emotions as I find that difficult at times! Also please look at my TOS if you are going to be using my art, animations, and designs! 
Also I’m a minor so.. Don’t be weird. : |


That’s the end of my profile warning!! Bye!! :3

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

[warning is not 100% complete/finished]

This character’s backstory, and some of the art stored here has imagery of angels, demons, world building with a Heaven and Hell , and other things along these lines. Within her backstory there are also issues with identity, paranoia, and a loss of memories.

Not all of this is here right now, but it is what’s at least planned within her character and backstory. Please tread carefully if you are uncomfortable with these subjects.

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