


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Manx Rider

Series: Animals

Age: 15 (8 in the first story arc and 15 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Minx Cat

Favorite Food: Red Snappers

Element: Neutral

Powers: idk she has claws I guess

Catch Phrase: "What the?!" and "Radical!"

Likes: The Fast and Furious film franchise, sports, track, skateboarding, studying, normal life, fish, and board games.

Dislikes: Bees (sometimes), weird events, bullies, chocolate, rain, and her lack of cool powers.

Personality: Manx is a tomboy who is into track and other sports. She'll sometimes unironically use outdated slang such as "totally radical!". She's very kind and friendly towards others, and dislikes bullies who pick on others. Ironically, her best friend Veronica is a bit of a bully  herself. However, Manx has her limits, and after a certain event not only exposes her to the weirder antics of her friends and the world she lives in but also the fact that she is a fictional character, Manx develops a bit of a cynical side. She's often known to question the weirdness around her and gets frustrated when everyone else casually accepts it. While she'll never admit it, it's possible Manx is a bit  jealous of her friends' fantastic powers while she's basically a cat that walks on two legs, but she will admit that she prefers an ordinary life over anything else.

Home: Animal Planet: Miniman Town

History: Manx was born and raised in Miniman Town. She is an only child, which most of her friends find strange due to few others in the cast are only childs. Despite their conflicting personalities, Manx and Veronica became best friends in school. Manx was also one of the first people to try to befriend Sketches prior to the start of the story, as she had a short-lived goal to try and befriend everyone. She later officially becomes friends with Sketches and Lightning, but doesn't join their adventures at first. When she finally does, she discovers just how strange their world is, and realizes that they are in a cartoon, sparking a new sensation of cynicism in her.

Current-Bio: Manx currently goes to school with the other characters. She is a part of the school track team and spends a lot of time running laps around town. When not in school, she can be found hanging out with almost all of them, but she's mostly seen with either Veronica, Trixa, or Kitty. She sometimes gets roped into joining one of Sketches and Lightning's adventures, but usually finds herself in distress during them. She's also occasionally seen trying to ride a skateboard to mixed results.

Meta-History: Manx was created sometime while I was in 7th-8th grade, making her one of my newer characters when I first joined Deviantart back in 2010. She was originally created as a random cat classmate of Sketches and Lightning's who was tomboyish and friendly. I would often doodle random comics of Manx in my notebooks all throughout middle and high school. Why? Because I like drawing her.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: Manx and Sketches are good friends, and Manx was one of the first  people to try and befriend Sketches before the start of the story. At first, both of them question the weird events around them (Manx more so than Sketches), but Manx eventually becomes distressed when Sketches becomes used to the weirdness, as since Manx herself has failed to do so.

Lightning: Manx and Lightning are friends. Manx is known to get annoyed by Lightning occasionally, however.

Sparky: Manx and Sparky are friends.

Kitty: Manx and Kitty are friends, but Manx is sometimes put-off by Kitty's strange obsession with creepy things.

Racket:  Manx and Racket are good friends. Manx is completely unaware of  Racket's feelings for her and she never will return them.

Colors: Manx and Colors are friends.

Veronica: Manx and Veronica are best friends...supposedly. Due to their widely different personalities, it's a miracle they became friends at all. Manx eventually begins to realize that Veronica isn't the nicest person in the world, but for some reason they remain as friends.

Trixa: Manx and Trixa are good friends. Trixa is one of the few people Manx never has any problems with and is arguably her actual best friend  instead of Veronica. Manx has not yet realized that Trixa has feelings  for her, but would react positively if she did.

Chad: Manx and Chad are friends, but Manx doesn't quite understand Chad's  ninja obsession (although she might secretly like Naruto herself: The Gift of Friendship  .

Carmen: Manx and Carmen are friends.

Striga: Manx tries to be friends with Striga, but is sometimes a bit afraid of her.

Melody: Manx and Melody are friends.

Telepathy: Manx and Telepathy are friends.

Pocky: For some unknown reason, Pocky believes Manx would make a good villain and often tries to recruit her to the world of evil, to no results.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!