


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Tress Taylor

Series: Animals

Age: 17 (10 in the first story arc and 17 in the last)

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Minx Cat

Favorite Food: Trout

Element: Neutral

Powers: None

Catch Phrase: "Annoying..."

Likes: Cloudy days, his necklace, alternative music, quiet time, gothic fiction, and jewelry.

Dislikes: Popular things, annoying people (mostly Lightning), false optimism, opening up to others, and sweet foods.

Personality: Tress is a loner. He likes to be by himself and pretend that he's in a  sentimental music video. He's also known to think that popular things are lame and overrated, but this is mostly for show. He's a bit cynical and judgemental towards others, but this mostly stems from inner negativity. Despite his loner phase, Tress has a close-knit friend group that means more to him than he lets on, as he finds it difficult to express these feelings. He's also rarely seen without his necklace, which he considers to be his most valuable possession.

Home: Animal Planet: Miniman Town

History: Tress was born in Miniman Town and has a younger sister, Trixa. He's in the same grade as Dark, Jade, and Melody, and has also befriended Seville through Dark. At some point early in the story, he and Lightning developed a weird sitcom rivalry.

Current-Bio: Tress currently goes to school with the other characters. When not in school, he usually hangs out by himself or with Dark and Seville. He's occasionally seen being annoyed by the other characters (mostly Lightning).

Meta-History: Tress was created sometime in 2012 when I was working on creating siblings for several  characters. Since Trixa had finally received a design herself, I figured she deserved some family too. Not much about Tress has changed over the years since he isn't super fleshed out, but one thing he shares with his sister is that I can't decide on the exact shade of blue for him, but he suffers from this less than her.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Lightning: Tress and Lightning have a weird rivalry.

Dark: Tress and Dark are friends.

Seville: Tress and Seville are friends despite their different personalities.

Trixa: Tress is Trixa's older brother. While he doesn't understand his sisters more optimistic view on life, he cares about her.

Melody: Tress and Melody are friends. Tress enjoys Melody's songs.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!