


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Melody Taffy

Series: Animals

Age: 17 (10 in the first story arc and 17 in the last)

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Candy Person (taffy)

Favorite Food: Strawberry Parfaits

Element: Neutral

Powers: The ability to fly with a broom, literal taffy hair, the ability to power up/calm down others with a song (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Please listen to my song."

Likes: Candy, sweets, pop music, singing, feminine fashion, sharing his music with others, and fairy tales.

Dislikes: Seeing his friends upset, his dad's disapproval of his dream, and Shadow-Cat.

Personality: Melody is sweet, calm, and optimistic, rarely entering a conversation without lifting someone's spirits. He shows great concern in his friends and values peace and happiness over everything else. According to Jade, Melody doesn't have a mean bone in his body and is nice to everyone, villain or not. His favorite way to pass the time is to sing songs for others, and he wishes to share his songs with as many people as possible. He can be a bit air-headed and occasionally has wacky ideas, but he always means well. He feels more comfortable in feminine clothing, but identifies as male. He is generally oblivious to love.

Home: Animal Planet: Miniman Town

History: Melody was born and raised in Miniman town. He is the oldest child in his family and has two younger sisters, Peppermint and Spearmint. While growing up, Melody took interest in fashion and pop music, and one day decided he wanted to be a musician. However, his dad doesn't want him to be a musician, leading to a bit of tension between them. Sometime before the start of the story, Melody met and befriended Jade, being her first true friend. During the events of the first arc, Melody acts mostly unaware of Jade's involvement in SAC, but eventually reveals he knew all along and eventually helps her make the decision to leave the organization.

Current-Bio: Melody currently goes to school and is in the same class as Dark, Jade, and Tress. When not in school, he's usually seen with Jade and Striga, with the three of them occasionally playing music together as a band. Melody is also known to sing randomly in the park and in the town square. After the events of the first and second arcs, Melody occasionally tags along on the main characters adventures if Jade and Striga are present.

Meta-History: Melody was directly inspired by the Pokemon Meloetta. Despite not liking the Best Wishes season of the anime, I watched the then new and subbed arc where Dawn returns briefly. Meloetta had a role in that arc and I was obsessed with its magical girl transformation:… . So naturally I was inspired to make a character by this Pokemon. I don't remember my exact reasoning for Melody being a boy, but I was definitely inspired by Kuranosuke from Princess Jellyfish and by a Sketchfu user (whose username I sadly don't remember ): ) who had lots of feminine male characters. I also like the idea of a male character who's a bit girly so felt I should have a character like that. Melody's gender is never meant to be a joke and I won't be happy if anyone uses a certain transphobic slur to describe him.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: Melody and Sketches are friends.

Lightning: Melody and Lightning are friends.

Dark: Melody and Dark are friends and sometimes hang out together.

Sparky: Melody and Sparky are friends.

Jade: Melody and Jade are best friends. Melody cares a lot about Jade and worries about her during her time working for SAC.

Kitty: Melody and Kitty are friends.

Racket: Melody and Racket are friends.

Colors: Melody and Colors are friends.

Seville: Melody and Seville are friends.

Manx: Melody and Manx are friends.

Veronica: Melody and Veronica are friends.

Trixa: Melody and Trixa are friends.

Tress: Melody and Tress are friends.

Chad: Melody and Chad are friends.

Striga: Melody and Striga are best friends. Melody is one of the few people who's able to calm Striga's aggressive nerves.

Peppermint: Melody has a good relationship with his younger sister and sometimes sings with her.

Spearmint: Melody is protective of his younger sister and is always reassuring her.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!