Kracken Harlow



3 years, 5 months ago



Name Kracken Harlow
Pronouns He/Him
Age 47 Years Old
Birthdate Feb 18th (Will be 48 in 2023)
Height 4'8in
Weight 180lbs
License No. 000731
Level 5
Species Tentacruel (#073)
Typing Water/Poison
Profession College Student





Stats and Inventory

HP/CON 80 +80 = 160 {+3}
SP.ATK/CHA 80 +50 +8 = 138 {+2}
ATK/STR 70 +0 = 70 {-1}
SP.DEF/INT 120 +50 = 170 {+4}
DEF/WIS 65 +70 +5 = 140 {+2}
SPD/DEX 100 +0 = 100 {+0}
TOTAL (Base Stats +250 from age while joining)+5Def+8SpAtk= 778

Ability | Clear Body

Prevents opponent from lowering stats.

POISON | Sludge Wave

Move 1 Description Goes Here.

WATER | Hydro Pump

Move 2 Description Goes Here.

POISON | Acid Armor

Move 3 Description Goes Here.


Move 4 Description Goes Here.

Battle Item | Battle Item Name

Battle Item Description Goes Here.

Battle Item | Battle Item Name

Battle Item Description Goes Here.

Contest Item | Contest Item Name

Contest Item Description Goes Here.

Contest Item | Contest Item Name

Contest Item Description Goes Here.

Berry Item | Berry Item Name

Berry Item Description Goes Here.

Berry Item | Berry Item Name

Berry Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

Misc. Item Description Goes Here.


A brief general description of your character that townsfolk might know just based off of rumors or talk around town. A basic paragraph that tells us about your character at a glance.


Paternal | Mentor | Humble | Pacifist | Non-Judgemental

Brief paragraph describing these positive traits and how they present in your character.

Intimidating | Stubborn

Brief paragraph describing these neutral traits and how they present in your character.

Gruff | Overprotective | Sharp Temper | Too Lenient | Dislikes Asking For Help

Brief paragraph describing these negative traits and how they present in your character.


As the eldest child born on a stormy night in Hoenn, Kracken the tentacool was thrust directly into hardship. The young boy would find as he aged that his family barely had enough to support him, let alone the two siblings that came a few years after. His grizzled father was gone on the ocean for months at a time for his work, leaving their mother struggling to wrangle three children, as well as work small odd jobs or running a stand selling small trinkets to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads in the months between receiving her husband's funds- a difficult process made even rougher thanks to her weak health. She put on a brave face, but young Kracken could see how exhausted she was each day, and her persistent coughing kept him awake at night. As the children grew older, more food and room was required than either parent could provide. Times grew lean, tempers and patience grew short, and problems grew by the day. His two siblings grew resentful of the lives they lived, as well as towards their mother for being so inadequate. Hardly a day went by without someone arguing, snapping or crying, and though the tentacool didn't have any real friends in town, nor was the boy focused enough to study properly, he was still grateful to go to school just to escape for a few hours and get a guaranteed lunch- a desperately needed supplement, since he frequently gave his portions of dinner to his siblings.

Years passed, and though Kracken managed to make a few friends by the time middle school rolled around, they were not ready to weather the storm his life would become. During a terrible winter while their father was away, Kracken's younger sister, not yet out of elementary school, grew very ill, very quickly. Despite the family's best efforts and desperate pleas for assistance from the few friends and charitable acquaintances they had, she passed on within the week. It was a blow that shattered his parents, himself, and his younger brother- the girl's twin. Kracken's brother refused to speak to, play with, or even acknowledge him in the coming years, going to school only to blow off coming home in favour of running the streets late into the night, doing Arceus knew what.

Meanwhile, his father's trips out to sea grew longer and more frequent, his letters home shorter, and his visits home brief and without fanfare. The man, already having been fairly closed off, was now an empty shell of himself, unable to provide any kind of emotional support and unwilling to dwell near what he'd lost. When Kracken was in his first year of high school, they received one final letter: a shipwreck had occurred, and his father was not among the handful of survivors rescued.

Two family members, dead and gone. One hanging on only because he wasn't old enough to live on his own. Kracken's mother, stricken by grief and haunted by her failures, only worried herself sicker each passing day, pushing herself past her limits to pick up the slack. The quiet tentacool could only watch it go on for so long while he tried to stay out of the way… If things kept up like this, he wouldn't have any family left at all...

So he made a decision. Working towards an academic future meant nothing if his family wouldn't be there to celebrate it with him. He dropped out of high school entirely his sophomore year, using those hours to build up his strength and work countless odd jobs around town, then continued to work late into the night. Slowly, surely, he was able to at least take some of the burden from his mother's shoulders. As the years passed, their home life was improving. The lights stayed on, food was in the fridge, his mother could afford to rest.

The improvements didn't matter to his brother, who suddenly left them both to run away when the boy had scarcely turned sixteen. Efforts to hunt him down were unsuccessful, and eventually they were forced to accept that he would only return if he chose to. Still, after so much loss, it was difficult to grieve further. They managed to push through, focusing instead on what to do with their own lives.

Kracken was in his early twenties now, and his mother couldn't stand the idea of her son clinging to her in such a dead end town forever. With much pushing and reassurance that she would be fine on her own, she managed to convince him to take the first job that would let him travel. He reluctantly agreed, with the stipulation that he would send her money now and then, and call once in a while to check in.

There weren't many lucrative options without so much as a high school education, but the tentacool made it work, taking on any manual labour he could, including fishing and whaling like his father before him. The time out at sea and sailing different coasts taught him many things, as did the crewmates he worked alongside. However, he would learn far more when he took a year abroad to Alola when he was in his mid twenties.

There, on stunning islands full of sunsets and floral paradise, he would meet the love of his life. A kindhearted, incredibly sharp mareanie named Odella. She managed to wrap him around her finger before he could blink, and in a whirlwind of events his entire life changed. He found himself living there, by her side as often as he was able, and somehow under her proud tutelage he was able to receive his GED. They found themselves due to be married!

Unfortunately, his life could never have sunshine without a few clouds creeping in. Despite her reassurances whenever he'd called, he found out that his mother had taken a turn for the worse that she'd hidden from him, and likely wouldn't recover in time for the wedding, or even a flight down for them to visit her. The first time Odella got to meet her was their last call over the phone…

Though it took some considerable time to grieve, the two managed to take comfort in one another and find happiness in their wedding. Having only told her about his mother and that his father had died earlier in his life, the emptiness on his side wasn't questioned. Perhaps it wasn't right to start a marriage with a lie, but as far as Kracken was concerned, he was already an only child at this point, so he might as well have been one anyways. A handful of old crewmates had come to the event, and that was enough. The newlyweds celebrated with a fun-filled honeymoon travelling all of the sights of Alola, from the flower fields and parks to Exegguttor Island. Odella was also set to enjoy her first successful steps on the road to her law career, and for a year, they were incredibly happy to settle in together.

Such happiness, as Kracken had come to expect, was not built to last. Soon after that first year, he found himself drafted for war and sent far away, with little chance to communicate. The now-Tentacruel served well over those few years, trying his best to retain hope and motivation despite the hellscape he was caught in. But for all of his fighting, all of his courage and quick-thinking, he did not escape without injury or consequence. A traumatic injury left his two largest, leg-like tentacles too damaged to be repaired or grow back after being severed. Several of his smaller tentacles had also received significant nerve damage, weakening his swimming and combat abilities. He was grateful to be alive, yes, but at this point in his life he did find himself struggling frequently with the question: Was the life he'd lived so far even worth it? What exactly is the point of it all?

They were dark times, dark thoughts, and neither he nor his wife made it through the long, grueling recovery process unscathed. But as he and his mother had back home all those years ago, slowly but surely, they did make it through and began to heal. Began to build better lives for themselves.

They had a daughter that he adored more than anything else in the world. And when the time came, they moved to a new home in Hoenn for his wife's bountiful job opportunities. He was quite happy staying home to care for his daughter, honing his skills in everything from movie trivia to costume creation to writing bedtime stories.

There were minor setbacks. While species and regions communicate much more now, he found that back then, his region's residents were not always kind to his family. Corsola were a treasured staple of Hoenn, after all, and a species known for being aggressive and toxic didn't bode well. His wife- ever trusting, bless her soul, didn't seem to notice or mind much, and the few times he felt she was being treated unfairly he was swift to step in behind her back.

But their daughter was affected significantly more. As she grew older, he noticed his bright and caring seastar withdrawing, growing less enthusiastic about hanging out with her friends and holing up in her room. Her stunted tentacles and weak control over her poison abilities despite her parents' efforts didn't help either. They tried their best to keep communication open, but gave her some space and room to explore her new, more macabre interests, like vampire fiction and horror movies. However, by the time she was due to start high school, she was displaying behavior they didn't approve of. Bullying other students and causing trouble for citizens in town, dropping grades to near failing, detention, vandalism- while he tried to give her the benefit of the doubt when she claimed she'd just fallen in with a bad crowd and regretted it, Odella wasn't having it. Hurt and furious, the toxapex demanded that they find Ophelia a new school for a fresh start, one that would whip her into shape.

To tell the truth, Kracken was reluctant. He knew deep down that Ophelia was still his sweet little girl, and he was wary sending her away might sever their bond irreparably. Still, he couldn't ignore the horrific behavior and growing aggression she was showing. He couldn't ignore the all too familiar fights, tears, and slamming doors in their home.

This region seemed to bring nothing but suffering. Maybe giving her the chance to get out and see the world would straighten her out, and give her new opportunities. It had for him, after all.

The years with Ophelia at the illustrious Pokemon Academy were much harder than anticipated. With his wife frequently gone at work, and his handful of retired friends not able to hang out as often as he'd like, the house was incredibly quiet. He now knew the meaning of Empty Nest Syndrome. Getting to speak with his daughter, her friends, and other adults on the PA Chat system helped some. He found a few new kids he would proudly have called his own: two remarkable seahorses, and a grim but respectful absol he couldn't help but treat as a son. Visiting for rare trips, sending gifts and letters to them kept him busy, as did the corsola farm he attempted to start up, but…

None of it really seemed to fill the restless void inside him. After so much hardship, a life of peace and retirement should have been heaven! He was growing older, and tired… And yet, he found he couldn't stand the monotony his life had become. He needed a goal to strive towards, and the manual labour of the farm wasn't what he'd hoped it would be. After many long talks with Odella, who seemed to be similarly restless, she suggested perhaps he needed a different type of challenge. Something mental, for a change. There was a college in the islands she was considering...

He had encouraged the kingdra to pursue education… he'd be a bit of a hypocrite not to do it himself, wouldn't he? And moving to this new place would bring him much closer to his little seastar!

Selling their Hoenn home, the corsola, and gathering their possessions, the couple decided to jump in completely, purchasing a new home and preparing for their next adventure in Marilos!



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