


3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


1'2" (foot to the tip of his ears)


6 pounds


Devon Rex Wizard! He only has a very fine layer of fur, and tends to get cold easily. Luckily for him, one of the most basic-level spells is a heating spell! Note that he does NOT have thick fur, or even moderate fur. It should barely fluff out.

Was originally just a normal kitten, who was adopted by a lonely wizard who wanted companionship and a familiar. The wizard used a spell to grant him the ability to walk and speak, so he could better assist him in his spells. (As such, he is basically just a normal cat on two legs, for anatomy references, see this and this! Please don't draw him as a normal anthro. If you don't think you can draw him without giving him broad shoulders/thicker limbs, please just avoid drawing him.)

His magic glows blue

Still a beginner in magic, is sticking to low-level spells and basic potions

The potion bottle he carries with him changes depending on various factors, but is typically a potion that acts as a small scale explosive (without dealing damage to the environment, only humans and other wildlife) when splashed out as self defense. He keeps it tightly corked, just incase.

Was not born with the star marking, it's part of the magic sigil used to grant him his speaking and walking powers.

Wears his clothes at all times unless bathing or grooming

Eager to impress, but mostly likes to keep to himself, or just vibe in silence with you if he likes you. Not the biggest talker, even though he can.